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Another Year In The Books

Have you heard, “There’s a rumor in Grace, Idaho....Have you heard the rumor on the street?” Ok, first off did you get the movie reference? Since you know I always seem to throw one in... If not, it’s Anastasia- yeah I love the music in that movie! ANYWAY yes, the rumor is true, I am officially 27 years old. My question is doesn’t that just mean I’ve COMPLETED 27 years instead of BEGINNING my 27th year? Someone clear this up for me please... Either way, funny enough, I turned 27 the same day I officially became 27 weeks pregnant. Kind of funny, but you have to find joy in the simple things right? First things first though...

I am amazed at the older I get, the more excited I become at the simple things! For example, was SO elated on Wednesday night when Craig walked in the door with 12 boxes of Cinnamon LIFE cereal as part of my gift! SERIOUSLY! 12! Sad part is I’m already down’s ridiculous but I love it! Again, something simple, but man I’ve been so happy to have my food storage stocked back up!  Even though it wasn’t a day filled with balloons and parades on my behalf, I really did enjoy having such a peaceful day! My flower bouquet was beautiful, the food including dessert was amazing- thank you Craig for both! 

On a different note, the more I reflected on my newly earned gold star (for living another year...), I realized it has been quite the eventful year! So much joy, so many tears, so much change, so many good experiences and blessings! Of course, I saw an opportunity to jot it down! If you’re in the mood for a good example of the roller-coaster of life, this post is for you! 

August 2018 (the week after my birthday)- We put our home in Tremonton, Utah up For Sale by owner. Within 24 hours we had our first showing followed by an offer we accepted. Can I just say that selling a house is an exhausting ordeal, I’m just grateful we felt it was the right decision for our family because that feeling is what we held onto during the whole ordeal! 

Our sweet yellow lab (Age 7 at the time) was diagnosed with an active cancerous tumor, underwent surgery twice - later to find there was still more- while she is doing fantastic, and acting like her normal self, it will eventually be the reason for her passing. So we love her while we still have her! 

Started my first year as a ‘teacher’- home schooling my little Mercedes her Kindergarten year! 

I was pulled over for the FIRST TIME in my life for speeding...luckily I was on my way to clean the church so I got off with a warning... Don’t worry, Mercedes still reminds me to check my speed unless I want to talk to a real cop again...

September 24th, 2018- We packed up our last load of belongings into a snowmobile trailer we purchased as a traveling storage unit. Locked all the doors, and left the extra keys to our beloved home in the drawer silently hoping we wouldn’t have regrets...That night we found ourselves absolutely exhausted- emotionally & physically in the back apartment of Rigby Plumbing in Grace, Idaho wondering what to do next. YEP we moved OUT of STATE (that in of itself is an experience!)

Bought a Cadillac car. I have to admit when Craig first mentioned it, I laughed and said no. Now I have truly fallen in love with the darn thing! Storage space alone- holy cow! Mind blowing! I highly recommend them!

October 2018- We packed up again and moved into a cute little home about three blocks from the apartment that was built in the 1920’s. We had spent the last month repainting (the entire house), installing new carpet (upstairs & downstairs), updating/repairing the bathroom & kitchen, all in all, SERIOUS revamping work- don’t worry there’s still more to do! :)

Failed my Idaho’s written drivers test...Can I just say the practice test they have online is NOTHING like the real written test!?! Just saying....

November 2018- Unpacked our ‘traveling storage unit’ and sold our snowmobile trailer (this has to count as move number four. I forgot to mention, in the beginning, we thought we would be moving into my parents fifth-wheel until we figured out where to move for a few years... then the pipes started freezing before we fully moved out...hence why we moved to the Rigby building. BUT we had moved belongings into the trailer... SO move #1- from Tremonton house to fifth-wheel, #2- Belongings from fifth-wheel to apartment, #3- Apartment to house, #4- Snowmobile trailer to house... Yep four massive moves within just a few months. I think it’s safe to say, I’d like there to be a few more years before the next move...

After a month of avoiding taking my drivers test again, I finally put on my big girl pants and tried again. I swear I haven't been that stressed out about a test since college...don’t worry I passed! WHEW! I became an official Idaho resident! 

Bought a GMC truck- SO exciting! And to be honest, Craig looks pretty sexy when he drives it around. I just look tough when I drive it...

February 2019- We found out we were pregnant with baby #3, due in November! 

March 2019- The girl-boy tie breaker was announced. Baby #3 is a GIRL! 

My ‘Official’ photography business turned 2!  

We made the long-awaited road trip back to California & Oregon- what an amazing experience! 

April 2019- Blaine- Craig’s dad had a stroke- this happened ON his birthday and he continued to experience mini strokes for about the next week. He has recovered well, but we do keep an eye on him! 

May 2019- Rick- Craig’s sweet stepdad had a heart-attack and even worse, it was on Craig’s birthday, while he was bringing Craig lunch to celebrate... Thankfully he’s recovered nicely, and we are SO SO grateful to have him around! I don’t know a better seamstress-man... 

July 2019- We officially became REAL parents.

Mercedes lost her first tooth. I also discovered I will not be pulling our kids teeth out... Mercedes had a SUPER wiggly tooth that was bothering her no matter what she was doing- breathing was especially annoying- so she says. Of course I think I’m super-mom so I get dental floss just like my mom did when I was a kid, and tried to tie a knot around the tooth, and pull it out. Easy right? Nope. the knot wasn’t tight enough, or the tooth was too slick. After about 30-40 minutes of my trying, and my daughter basically falling asleep waiting for her tooth to come out, Craig decided to pull out the pliers... The tooth was out in less than 20 seconds...without any tears!  You bet he was proud! 

I was asked to do a little presentation/demo for the Caribou County Fair. COMPLETELY outside my comfort zone, but as Craig says to our kids all the time, “You can do hard things,” and I have to admit, I survived, AND I can say I was involved in my community...  

August 2019- Our little man decided it was time to be potty trained, and almost overnight he was! This alone was HUGE for our family because up to this point, he had no desire to give up his diaper changing bonding sessions... I remember praying a few nights beforehand that he would have a desire to be potty trained before baby #3 was delivered, but THIS was a welcome surprise- and a blessing! 

Decided it’s time for some orthodontic work- I guess you’re never too old for that kind of stuff... Thank you pregnancy... Re-aligners here I come!...

Started home schooling my little 1st grader! 

Oh the list goes on and on, I won my very own gun, took family dates to the bowling alley, Bear Lake Camping, California road adventures, all kinds of car repairs, mornings filled with snuggles with the littles...

I also tried to get an elk ivory for Craig only to discover an elk ivory is an actual ivory tooth, not just ANY tooth in an elks bad! 

All in all, it really was a fabulous year. This is what life looks like! We have mountains to climb, trials to make us stronger, and plenty of blessings in disguise- and unseen until you stand back. I have met some amazing people, developed deeper relationships with family, friends- even clients! 

I’ve watched as Craig has continued full-filling his role as a husband, father, supporter, and companion.

I’ve continued to learn that there is a plan for me, for my family and our lives. I am learning to be patient, to rely on my Heavenly Father, and realize there is a purpose for me and my family. I don’t need to know all the answers, but everything will turn out! 

I’ve been blessed. So while another year has passed, I’m excited and eager to see what this new chapter of life has in store for us!!! Onward I go!  


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