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Some of the places I've been able to go here in Caribou county have really taken my breath away. I am amazed at the beauty that surrounds this area! I love the fields, the mountains, the water sources, the variety of color in the rocks! It's all been quite incredible! This mini session with Brinklee was nothing short of absolutely beautiful as well! AH the fields, the fences, the trees everything about this place filled my heart with excitement! I don't know what it is, but I absolutely LOVE fields! Maybe it's the open space that gives me a sense of freedom,I can't really pinpoint the reason, but like trains, they have a romantic and dreamy feel to them. Can you tell how much I love them?

Enough about fields! This here is Ms. Brinklee isn't she a BEAUTY! I love her hair, her flawless smile and that's just on the outside! She reminds me of her mama with her energetic, happy, always-up-for-adventure personality. I love this girl! This session did not disappoint!

We dodged stray arrows.... just kidding her dad was a much better shot than that...most of the time... Although I do think it would have made the perfect headline in next months school newsletter,

"EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT! Superintendent shoots Photographer in his own back yard..."

I think it would sell...

To say we got in a few laughs would as you guessed, be a small exaggeration. One of my favorite parts of this session, besides the absolutely drop dead gorgeous girl here was watching her herd her feathered buddies AKA the chickens for a few shots (not with an arrow! the camera!). I didn't attach them below, but seeing this beauty in the chicken coop, holding up this elegant skirt while chasing down feathered friends brought a great big grin to my face. I would have named each hen but honestly, I was enjoying the process too much to listen for their individual names, but I'm almost positive each of them have one... I'm so glad she still liked me after this adventure! Thank you BRINKLEE!

Brinklee, you were amazing, beautiful and elegant as always, THANK YOU!

You are absolutely GORGEOUS Brinklee! Thank you for letting me come and enjoy you, the girls- with and without feathers, and your dad with his bow! Love you all!



*Little side note, if you go back up to the top and scroll down, you can watch the light change during this small 25 minute window of time. Right now the sun sets at 8:30/8:40 right before that is an amazing time for that perfect glow! Kind of fun to visually see it change, without actually having the sun itself in the image!

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