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Mckenzie's Eighth Month

As per the norm, we are again just days away from Kenzie being a month older than what this post is celebrating! But in all honesty, as hard as it’s been to get these posts put together I KNOW when I look back I am going to be so grateful I have these memories recorded somewhere. It’s easy to look back and say, gosh I just remember my babies all being flawlessly perfect, there were no sleepless nights, they flew by the teething stage and suddenly had a mouthful of teeth! When in all reality, there were weeks of sleeplessness, teething aids galore and plenty of days that we said we ‘were probably done having more kids...’  I truly think our minds are wired to remember the good. Craig calls it ‘baby amnesia,’ but regardless I want to remember it all! 

Well, it was another month of firsts for Miss Kenzie. She went on her first camping trip, slept in a tent for the first time, AND went to Bear Lake- even went in the Lake, for the first time! Bear Lake is so dang special to me! I love that I get to share it with my children! 

The Switzer side of the family had their annual camping trip up St. Charles Canyon in Idaho. Mckenzie is the youngest cousin by three years, the oldest cousin is almost 16. Think of 10 grandchildren ranging from 0-16,  all together for a week, that can only equate to one result- A WHOLE LOT OF LOVE! Kenzie was smothered with love, hugs, kisses, baby talk, and requests to hold her. It is so dang cute to watch these cousins love on her!  After a day full of all the things mentioned, I took her to the tent to lay her down for the night. Bridger decided to join us and snuggled into my bed next to Kenzie. She was SO DANG EXCITED to see him! She crawled over to him and just nuzzled into him. He likewise put his arms around her and pulled her close. Their relationship is so tender and sweet! They acted like they hadn’t seen each other in days! 

During the trip Kenzie learned the notorious nose scrunch! I love watching her krinkle her nose! In pictures she almost looks angry, but it really is so cute and funny to watch! I’m pretty sure she knows how funny she looks because she seems to get a kick out of the response... Nana always plans a killer party- this year was no exception- she was fully stocked with balloons, and bubbles, and Kenzie loved every moment of it! 

This month I also learned about choking. It’s amazing how just typing the word out makes my heart feel constricted. We had been camping with Craig’s dad and his wife for a few days, and then came home Saturday to repack, and reload before heading back up to camp with the Switzer crew. The kids were happy to be home for a few hours, even Kenzie was thrilled to be down on the ground and able to crawl around. Bridger found a pad of stickers and thought it was hilarious to stick them to his sister. Poor Kenzie looked like a sticker pad! But she likewise thought she was quite the hilarious canvas- even if she didn’t fully understand why... It was getting late and I was trying to get as much done as possible before we headed off to bed. The kids were still up when suddenly I heard Kenzie coughing. I came in the room to find my baby girl coughing, gagging and in obvious distress. One tough part of this age has been EVERYTHING going into her mouth. We’d been pretty good about making sure those small items stayed off the ground, but nevertheless, we had missed something. I swiped her mouth, and couldn’t find anything. I flipped her over my arm and patted her back, at this point she started throwing up, and had wheezy breathing. Want to feel helpless? Become a parent and have your child in distress. Long story short, we got her some help, she never did throw up whatever it was that she swallowed, but it wasn’t a short recovery. As much as it pains me to write the event down, it’s a moment I want to remember. We have a tough daughter, a fighter, and she’s already giving us a run for our money! 

This image- as silly as it is, is a perfect example of our life recently- she is always finding things to put in her mouth!

She so stinkin cute! This nose scrunch of hers makes me laugh! I love her so dang much! FUNNY STORY- Kenzie’s Oma Atkinson (Grandma) wore this yellow dress when she was a baby. If I remember right, it’s from Germany- and it has some beautiful stitching! When Oma gave it to me, she included a white jacket to go with it. That morning as I got her dressed I wondered why in the world you would want to cover up such beautiful stitching! Never-the-less, I put it on her and took a picture to send off to Oma....

Oma was thrilled to see her in the dress, and kindly informed me that the ‘jacket’ goes UNDER the dress! I guess the collar makes the dress even more dressy....Oh brother, imagine how brilliant I felt in that moment! Living proof I apparently am not cultured or familiar with the ‘luxury fashion.’ We had a good laugh over the whole ordeal!

Well baby girl, onto another month! I love you more and more! Thank you for being our girl!

-Love, Mommy

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