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Mckenzie's Sixth Month

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

That moment when she looks deep into your heart and gives you THE BIGGEST grin, that is the moment I fall in love with her all over again- yes, that means it happens multiple times a day! She is absolutely charming!  I get so excited for my babies to hit six months. I love their sweet newborn stage and all the snuggles and tender moments that come, but I also love the stage when their personalities start to shine through. 

After mastering sitting up without support, Kenzie has decided that isn’t enough. She needs MORE independence! 

This girl wants so badly to be on the move! I watch her prop herself up on her hands and knees, head down then she elevates her body by balancing herself up on her feet and starts to pedal back and forth- like she’s preparing to start the 100 meter dash. She just can seem to get those arms to follow the hint! I’m sure it’s discouraging when your body won’t follow your mind’s instructions! Nevertheless, she is scooting around either backwards, or in circles, but either way, it’s movement and I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before she will be crawling forward! 

It’s a month of firsts! 

We have been extremely blessed to have a backyard for the kiddos to play in. They love to spend any second they can outdoors but that excitement isn’t limited to just Mercedes and Bridger, Miss Kenzie has a love for the outdoors. She spent her first day outside relaxing in the sun, and was as content as can be. Mercedes loves to gather Kenzie up in her arms and take her outside when she seems a bit upset. Without fail, Kenzie calms down when that fresh air hits her face. She’s equally as happy to sit in the grass and watch the kids play around her. 

Another first... She tried riced cereal, she looks at me like it’s a joke every time I give her a spoonful, but so far so good! We don’t get a whole lot of solid foods down her, but she’s been willing to try new foods! She’s sampled riced cereal, pears and sweet potatoes thus far. Each time we pull out a new food to try, Bridger pops in for inspection. He DOES NOT want a taste test, but a smell test usually suffices.

I’m sure I’ve said it every month thus far but this girl LOVES her daddy.  She loves to flash a grin his way, and bat those beautiful eyelashes of hers at him. A big flirt already! Oftentimes while being in daddy’s arms, Kenzie will sit and ‘knead’ Craig’s beard. She’s not quite sure what to think of it, but seems to enjoy playing with it! I think her favorite part is the millions of kisses that follow from her daddy though... 

  • Kenzie wakes up around 7am like clockwork. 

  • She’s lost almost all of the dark, dark hair but, she still has a full head of hair! It’s just lighter like her siblings.

  • This girl has the CUTEST elbow dimples! 

  • No teeth to speak of, but she is constantly gumming anything she can get in her mouth. 

  • For some reason my water bottle brings her a lot of joy. She loves to bat it around, and every once in a while, I share a very tiny amount of water with her- she gets a kick out of it for some reason. 

  • We have been transitioning from sleeping with mom to sleeping in her own crib. So far so good, but I have to admit, as a mom I’m pretty sure I’m going through more withdrawals over the separation than she is! I love my nightly snuggles! 

Bridger Sound Bites

I love to dress this little baby up from head to toe each day- I can’t wait for the day she actually fits into her shoes! Bridger is usually close by during the whole process, always keeping an eye on her- and boy can he make her giggle! A way, I had just finished dressing her and as I sat back and admiring her, I asked, “Hey Bridger! How does ‘Tenzie’ look? Don’t you think she looks cute?” Without missing a beat he replied, “Uh NOPE! She looks fab-U-lus!” His enthusiasm is contagious! 

Oh life is so good! Our sweet six month old makes life so good! She’s beautiful, sweet and absolutely perfect in every way! I can’t believe I have been so blessed! 


Since I can’t pick one....or two...not even three!!! Here’s them all!

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