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Unicorns and Giggling Girls

It all started because of a simple statement, “Mom, I invited some friends over for my birthday party.” Seems harmless, unless you didn’t know you were hosting a birthday party THAT WEEKEND! I’d never hosted a ‘friend party’ for my daughter before. I just figured family parties were tradition, and why break tradition? Long story short, we ended the day with one happy daughter and a realization that she is a wonderful set of genes! 

Oh, my sweet, sweet Miss Mercedes. 

I noticed her talking to different girls throughout the day but didn’t think much of it, she’s always been a social butterfly, why would today be any different? When we arrived home she informed me she had taken the initiative to invite some girls over for her birthday party that coming Saturday. After her words sank in I started to panic. I potentially had 8-10 girls coming to my home that weekend for a party I had no idea we were hosting! My first reaction was to chastise her. You know, the typical mom conversation, “Honey, don’t invite people over unless you ask.” “What got into you!” “Don’t you think we should have a plan BEFORE we start inviting others over?” The list goes on. Instead of this response though, a memory flashed through my mind, one of another young girl with big ideas. 

This little girl had a birthday coming up and had a notebook full of ideas for a party I’m sure her mother knew nothing of. Those ideas went from a water party- with water balloons, a blow-up pool and a luau to having a live band and a food truck. Yeah, my imagination ran wild when it came to party planning. To be honest, that part hasn’t changed much but if I planned a party that way, I’d need a loan...Not only were the ideas big, but more often than not, the homemade invitations were made ahead of time too! Imagine my mother’s excitement! Luckily I had a mom that was a good sport. She always went above and beyond to make sure your birthday was special. In case you were curious though, the answer is no, no I never did get that food truck or a live band at the party. It didn’t matter at the end of the day though, I always felt special. 

As the memory of my childhood birthday planning played out I realized we could put something together. A few little hiccups happened to delay the party for a few weeks, but thankfully we got the party in before all the hoopla in the world broke loose! The day went fantastic without a hitch and was filled with unicorns, pizza, tumbling, and LOTS of giggling! Oh, little girls are so dang fun to listen to! We had ONE. HAPPY. DAUGHTER!! 

Thank you to everyone who helped make such a wonderful memory for my little Mercedes! 

Thank you, Becky Hemmert, with Confectionary Creations_by_Becky for the cute cupcakes!

Also a huge thank you Crystal with Caribou Twistars for allowing us to use your facilities!

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