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A Successful Senior Session

What do your clothes say about you? Are you a hoodie & jeans wearer regardless of the day because comfort is #1 priority? Or are you a depends on the day kind of person? Monday it’s a hoodie and jeans, and Tuesday your dressed like you’re the special guest of the Queen. What and how you wear your clothes are a glimpse into your personality, and style. It’s become the perfect opportunity to showcase your likes & dislikes. You can even say how you’re feeling on a t-shirt! My favorite shirt happens to be ‘Mama Bear,’ try not to read too much into it, just be aware… I know on the days I just want to get work done around the house- which includes picking up the same four pillows and refolding my decorative blanket at least 10 times in an hour- I wear my ‘STRETCHY PANTS’ (I can hear you quoting Nacho Libre now…’sometimes you wear stretchy pants…in your room…just for fun’) and I wear them everywhere- not just in my room ;). But on Sunday’s I love my string of pearls, classy high-heels and curls for the occasion.

Special occasions don’t happen all that often- Sundays’ excluded, when do you really get to dress up and look classy? Going to the grocery store in a dress, white gloves, fancy hat and perfectly shined shoes isn’t really a thing anymore. Can you imagine going into a grocery store like Broulim’s or Kent’s and even the men are wearing their three-piece suits just for the trip? Oh, how I wish that was still the case! I love dressing up! Nowadays seeing people walking around wearing their pajamas in Walmart is part of the norm…One thing I refuse to do, just say-in! There is one specific occasion I did NOT skip out on just for the excuse to dress up- my Senior Portrait Session, and I am SO grateful I didn’t!

Whenever family or senior portrait time rolls around I find myself wondering what to wear, what looks good, what is too much and what should be left in the closet. Thankfully I have a husband who helps put my outfits together- I KNOW! I love my personal stylist! BUT I don’t share him, so instead were sharing some tips with you so you can have your own successful outfit!

#1- Wearing clothes that FIT well, are COMFORTABLE, breathable but not baggy photography beautifully! If you have a few outfits in mind that you would like to wear, put them on for an hour or so and see how they feel. Wearing pieces that fit, and compliment your figure are always a win! If you are constantly fidgeting with a piece, it’s probably not the right choice. Remember the three F’s- FIT, FLATTER, FRESH

#2- SIMPLICITY! Simplicity will give you clean looking images! Solid colors photograph much better than large logos and Cartoon Characters. This goes for accessories as well, a nice statement necklace or even a necktie shows personality without overdoing it.

#3- Flashy colors like fluorescents can be very distracting, stick to more neutral colors for the most flattering look.

#4- If you're stumped, or want some ideas on what to wear with your favorite hat, or blouse, pinterest has some great outfit examples. It's my go-to resource when I have a skirt I want to wear but don't know what top to pair with it!

#5- LOVE WHAT YOU ARE WEARING! If you don’t feel happy and relaxed- DON’T WEAR IT!

On a side note: Feel free to bring 1-2 outfits for variety! An example would be a band uniform, and then a nice polo with cleans and clean shoes. OR maybe it looks like a nice everyday outfit, and a formal one (like a suit and tie or formal dress).

Now you have a good idea of what to wear… There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your session:

- Plan your outfit out from head to toe! Hair, accessories, tops, bottoms, shoes, everything! Make sure each piece is clean, and ready to go!

-You are welcome to bring props that represent you- band instruments, sports gear like a basketball or baseball bat, even a lettered jacket is all fantastic! Anything that is unique to your life, showcases who you are, and brings you joy is encouraged! If you have your cap and gown and would like portraits in those as well, bring them!

- Press your clothes the night before- if there’s a wrinkle that is not designed to be there, carefully press it out.


-Pay attention to your straps- if you don’t want them to show, make sure your clothes hide them, or find some strap/fabric tape and tape them in place.

-Makeup is encouraged but don’t overdo it. You don’t HAVE to look like a clown! Natural looking makeup is your best bet! A light blush on your cheeks is perfect for adding some color- avoid bronzers!

- HAIRSPRAY! If your hair is like mine, it sometimes has a mind of its own, using hairspray- even a light coat is a lifesaver!

- Layers like a cute top and cardigan look fantastic, yet simple! Even wearing a cute top and a complimentary scarf will photography well. Don’t be scared to add simple layers.


- Be clean-shaven! You may think stubble won’t show…. but it does.

- Chapstick is fantastic for dry lips!

- Wear shoes that match your clothing style, flip-flops with a suit will look a bit strange….

- Your socks will show at some point, my advice make sure you are wearing socks you won’t be embarrassed seeing printed in an 8x10 frame.

*Disclaimer* Thankfully each of us is especially special & unique, with that in mind, if your style is to wear a baggy sweater and leggings with a ring on each finger and earrings down to the ground, then so be it! The information above is just that, information, ‘more like guidelines,’ be confident and happy in what you choose to wear for your session!

LAST but NOT least, RELAX! Just have some fun, it’s such a fun time in your life, there is no need to stress over how you look, just be yourself, and make an effort to look nice and everything will turn out great! My job is to make sure of that!

Happy planning!



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