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Updated: Jun 12, 2019


Picture this:

You’re on what’s supposed to be, one of the most romantic trips of your life-your honeymoon. The last night was spent at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The hotel was beautiful, the Blue Man group performance was one to remember, and we enjoyed a prime view of the dancing water fountain light show from our bedroom window. A practically perfect way to end a spectacular trip! Morning arrives and instead of grabbing an early morning breakfast, you and your new husband decide to wait and get breakfast in St. George, Utah only about an hour and 50 minute drive. No big deal, we weren’t really hungry at the moment anyway. You pack up the old blue car your new husband’s friend ‘gifted’ to the two of you and off you go waving goodbye to Vegas… It all sounds picture perfect right? It should have been! Unfortunately for us, this last day of our honeymoon would be the birthplace of our first fight over warm Gatorade, and day old pizza nonetheless… How did it get to that point? Well, I will tell you.

It’s Saje’s fault.

Yep. The-friend of ‘my-new-husband’-that-‘gifted’-us-his-car-for-the-trip’s fault. OK maybe it wasn’t ALL his fault, but it’s easier to blame it on him…Remember that little ole blue car?


Many of you may not know, or have since forgotten, we were married the first week in August. So imagine what it would be like in a real desert. Absolutely and totally hot. Dry. Hot. Sweaty. Hot. I don't know why people live in Nevada kind of hot. Just making sure you understand the HOT part.

Newlywed couple, outdoor summer wedding, pink bouquet.
Image Courtesy of Illumine Photography

It was around 9:30 am when we left Las Vegas, Nevada. As we drove down the highway on our way to St. George, still about an hour away, when we noticed the lights on the dash went out, gauges had dropped, then the steering felt wrong, realizing something was amiss we parked ourselves on the side of the road. I'm not a car girl, Craig's really not a car guy so when it comes to vehicle education, we are at the beginner level- especially at that point in our lives. Put gas in it, keep the tires inflated, oil in the tank somewhere, and fluid in wiper fluid tank. Basic knowledge. I had no idea what was going on.

View out my window of the car... See what I mean about the middle of nowhere!

After a minute or so we attempted to start the car, but to our dismay, there was no sound. No click, no purr of an engine, nothing. Well thankfully it was the age of cell phones, so we pulled out our reliable T-Mobile flip phones only to find we were in a dead zone. No service. Somewhere between Mesquite and St. George, on a highway, other than that, the middle of nowhere. We held out hope someone would pull over and check on us since our hazard lights were flashing, but an hour went by. Then another. Nothing. Maybe it was the exterior car decor (covered in typical 'newly wed' words of encouragement) that deterred any thoughts of 'hero work.' Whatever the reason, 12:30 ish rolls around and Craig decides we need to find a phone. Like a wise husband, he leaves me in the car- just in case, and he heads back down the highway on foot to see if he can find a phone. Another hour passes. When he returns he said he flagged down someone on a side road and called a tow truck! We would be saved!!! We sat, and sat, sweaty, tired, honestly probably dehydrated, and wondering if we would die in that car. Craig tried to get me to drink a bottle of Gatorade we had rolling around the car, I refused. It was as warm as the temperature outside. I could almost see it boiling in the bottle. He insisted I eat something- like the piece or two of pizza we had left over from the lunch 24 hours before, again, I refused. If we died there, I didn't want to look like I had special treatment... We argued, and realized we were probably delusional by now... HOURS went by, and still no tow truck. Again, Craig decided to walk back and see if he could try again. Again, about an hour later, he returned saying he had found a volunteer fire station with a payphone. The tow company apologized and said they had not yet dispatched for someone, but they would be on their way pronto!

That Ole Blue Car... Pictured left to right: Drew, Sage & Charlie. Last image: The send off...

We were FINALLY picked up at 4 pm. When we jumped into the tow truck, our less than friendly driver informed us it was 108 degrees outside. We had just spent close to SIX HOURS in that HOT sun. Don't worry tow man, we felt it. I thought we would die in it. BUT we LIVED!

When we arrived in St. George (about 5 pm) we were honestly beside ourselves, we didn't have money to get a hotel, and we didn't have thousands of dollars the mechanic wanted to repair the alternator on the dang car. Heavens, we didn't know what to do. Craig of course called his dad, within an hour, my new, I-had-never-met Step-Grandma-in-law and her husband pulled up ready to take us to their home. I didn't even know they existed!

They opened their home to two absolutely exhausted, newlyweds without question, as a side note Craig had only met them once or twice before that night! We ate Del-Taco on china that night, and sure we slept on a bed that pulls down from the wall, but you know what, it made for an even better story! Sue taught me to make the best biscuits and peppered gravy that I still to this day make!

Not only does it all make for a fantastic story, but it was an act of kindness I will NEVER forget. They comforted us, they loved us and that's all we needed to get through another night. Thank you Sue & Don!

Another example: We had been discharged from the hospital after Mercedes birth and on our way home the thought of trying to get everything done was overwhelming, how was I going to clean our house, make dinner and do my normal tasks? I was new to this world of motherhood! BUT someone had read my mind. I walked into our little townhouse to find a spotless house, a mirror on the wall (that had been sitting on the floor for weeks waiting to be hung), dinner and groceries in the refrigerator. All a show of love and support from our little family. I could have cried. It meant the world to me!

Lastly, and more recently... We moved up to Grace, but our church records had not yet followed even though it had been almost a month. There was no 'official' record of us existing in this tiny town. As I pulled in front of our little apartment, another vehicle pulled up behind me. A cute lady jumped out of her car and gave me a great big hug. I had no idea who this woman was! But she handed me a loaf of her homemade bread, welcomed me to the Ward (church congregation), and handed me a sticky note with a her name and number along with a few others. She went out of her way to reach out. She made me feel loved, valued and of worth. It gave me HOPE that I could live in this area, where I was already feeling quite lost and useless. She was the reason I went to church the next Sunday. LaRee Larson will always hold a very special place in my heart. SHE made a difference in my life and I will forever be grateful to her for this.

Whether it's a small envelope of money gifted to you at Christmas time, a loaf of homemade bread, a great big hug, or a phone call just to check in, a plate of cookies welcoming us to the neighborhood, a simple and encouraging note on Facebook, or my little Mercedes tucking me in while I take a nap on the couch. All these seemingly small acts of kindness mean the world to me. They boost my spirits, they encourage me to keep going in this crazy world. Obviously my list could go on and on, but hopefully you get the idea- KINDNESS DOES NOT GO UNNOTICED OR UNAPPRECIATED. The next time you doubt following through with an act of seemingly small kindness, don't. Just go through with it! You could be making all the difference in one persons day.

What is the kindest thing that has ever happened to you? I was watching The Kindness Diaries on BYUTV this past week and pondered this particular question. I'd never really thought about it! I admit I enjoy being a receiptant of a kind act, but I can't say just one instance came to mind! I have been on the receiving end time and time again just like in the stories I've already shared, those acts of kindness often came at the perfect time, just when I needed it most. There are two shows I highly recommend, both can be found on BYUtv app or on your regular TV :). The Kindness Diaries as I mentioned above, and Random Acts of Kindness. Both leave you feeling hope. A desire to be better, and to do more for those around you. It's a good motivation to be, and to become a better individual. I encourage you this week, to look for those ways you can perform an act of kindness. I guarantee they will not go unnoticed, or unappreciated! Kindness in this crazy world goes a long way.


Images from byutv & MSN


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