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Contributing to a Better Future

Did you hear about the time when Craig and I spent over $100 on Girl Scout cookies- for just the two of us? I know that is absolutely ridiculous…or was it? Did we share them? Absolutely! Not. We ate them. ALL of them. So there are two major perks to the story, #1- We didn’t waste. #2- We ate something we loved, and BONUS- we did it TOGETHER!

My mom LOVES thin mint type cookies I think they're called Grasshopper cookies? That was the norm around our house, but GIRL SCOUT cookies wasn’t necessarily a ‘thing’ so when Craig introduced me to those gems, I was hooked. What’da know, thin mints were my favorite, and then Samoa’s (just like my dad come to find out-they just never made it in the house). Craig is an old soul so he went for the Trefoils- I call them the ‘old man’ cookie. I feel like I should offer him a cup of tea each time he sits down to eat them…

I saw a post on Facebook that the Girl Scouts were taking orders, and me being the thoughtful wife, thought I would get ahead of the game and order some for our food storage (Ha! As if they would ever make it to storage). So I excitedly hopped onto my handy keyboard and ordered 3 boxes Samoa's, 3 Thin Mints, and 4 Trefoils, and just for fun, 1- do-si-dos to try something different. At $4 a box my total came to $44.00. I knew this had to be the best investment ever. March comes around and I see the cute little girls out in front of a local grocery store, and I decide to pick up a few boxes until our order would arrive besides, I was helping a young girl have a better future! 2 Trefoils, 1 Samoa, and 1 Thin Mint, again at $4 a box, my total was $16 (add that to the $44 already ordered…$60).

I hurried home with my newfound excitement to stage them on the counter and wait for Craig to come home and see my SURPRISE! Guess what. He had the same idea at work. When he walked in the door he laughed, and then set down a Girl Scout Cookie CRATE and started unloading his haul. 4 Trefoils, 4 Thin Mints, and 3 Samoa's. We were just missing the partridge in the pear tree. We laughed about it and realized we loved each other and it was a cute moment. Then it hit me, I had never told him I had already had some on ORDER! Once I broke the news, we laughed hysterically all over again. We joked about having the neighbors over for a cookie party until we realized we would have to share them…Once we sat down and realized just how much we had spent, we realized we may have gone a little overboard on cookies just for the two of us… In case you weren’t keeping track from the beginning, let me break it down:

Total Cookies Purchased:

Trefoils-10 boxes Thin Mints- 8 boxes Samoa's- 7 boxes Do-si-dos- 1 box

26 boxes total, times $4 per box our GRAND TOTAL was $104 ON COOKIES!!!!

The moral of the story is, well it was a lot of cookies… but they tasted great…the makers of Oreo's really hated us for about 4 months….AND we have something to laugh about every time we see a Girl Scout cookie stand. Now you know we are suckers for Girl Scout cookies.

This past weekend we saw them out in front of Stokes grocery store, you can bet we supported those Girl Scouts in their quest for a better future. I spent more towards their future than I did on the bag of fresh rolls I bought. Funny enough, at church on Sunday, I looked over to see my six year old chowing down on a package of Trefoils she had stowed away in the bag I had packed. Go figure. Luckily it was Craig’s cookies and not mine…

I’m just wondering, does anyone else go crazy when it comes to Girl Scout cookies? What is your favorite cookie? By the way, it’s still March...You might want to go get yourself a box…or two…or 26!


PS. Check out my little cookie thief at the end! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of my cookie portrait session. He was so proud of himself. It was unexpected, quick and actually quite funny- hence why he is out of focus, I didn't plan on him being there....

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