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Craig James

The big 30! My handsome hubby is 30! I’m sure he will be thrilled to pieces when he realizes he is the subject of a blog today, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity! I think now is the perfect time to share about this handsome guy!

From the day we were married a normal comment/question was, “Do you love me today more than you did yesterday?” Of course being newly weds the answer was always enthusiastically “YES!” Over time that question changed and evolved into something deeper and more personal. “Why do you love me TODAY?” It is our way of thinking deeper about why we love each other. I have to admit Craig is better at surprising me with new reasons and really digging for a sincere response. Little does he know just how much this means to me. It makes my day, and I admit, sometimes in those days I feel down or stressed, he often will give me more than one! I thought this would be a perfect place to start!

I love Craig today because....

#1- He brings me SO much joy when he walks in the door each day. Something about his presence makes my whole body relax. It’s a feeling of security, and safety honestly, like I no longer have to be the one standing at the door with a sword...

#2- He is a snuggler! Not to be confused with smuggler... He calls it cuddling, I call it snuggling, whichever the case, I love the end of the day crawling in bed next to this guy!

#3- I love his hands! I know this sounds so weird but he has manly hands! I love his fingers, and the strength they house, I love his hands filled with talent, strength & power. I love that his hands are used for good. He looks for ways to use them whether its at work or home! He is my hard worker!

#4- Craig gets me every time with that smile of his! It’s a charmer. Fun fact, he might shoot me for this one but he had a small gap between his teeth that they filled in with a composite of sorts, well once in a while it comes loose and falls out! So every other year I get to see which look is my favorite, Craig with a gap, or Craig without a gap! Either way though, I think he’s a stud!

#5- His family is his priority. Up until Mercedes was born we planned for me to go back to work, we were a brand new family, both working on income equal to a teller (beginning pay), had rent to pay, and two vehicles we were trying to pay off, including both enrolled full-time in school- paying for our tuition on our own. When Mercedes was delivered I knew I could no longer go back to work. It was a difficult and easy decision. Craig gave me his full support. He took on that role of being a sole provider. At one point he was working three jobs, one right after the other. He would work for the credit union from 8:30-6 pm, come home for a quick minute then head over to Hastings and work there from 7-midnight or later if it was the holidays. Then on weekends if there was an opportunity he would go paint. He was exhausted! But he never complained! He did it for us. For our family and I am forever grateful to him for this gift he has given me!

#6- Craig makes me laugh. He is so dang sarcastic and I love it! I love that we can banter back and forth!

#7- He is an excellent cook! He makes a killer breakfast, steak, grilled chicken- anything grilled really, has his own homemade lemonade, Steak, Hamburger and Alfredo recipes-all are to die for! I laugh each time he is in the kitchen because he wants to follow the recipe to a T, this includes measurements and everything. Well I cook with a recipe and add in a little of this and a little of that so trying to help him make a recipe I usually do is a little tricky...

#8- The little things. When we were dating I would often go out to my car and find a love note, or a treat of some sort waiting in my windshield wipers. I often get surprised with little cards, flowers or just a cute text letting me know I’m on his mind. He even leaves his nice razor out because he knows I love to use it... Those little things bring an instant smile to my face.

#9- I love his hugs. They are tight, they are tender, and they are sincere.

#10- I love Craig because he can admit when he has room for improvement. He is willing to try something new even when it can be frustrating or intimidating. Often times as a kid if something needed to be fixed a hired worker was called in. But over the last 8 years Craig has tried to take time to figure out how to fix problems that arise, to take the opportunity to learn something new and add to his bag of talents. I love his desire to become better!

Just for the fun of it, here’s a few “Fun Facts” about Craig:

- He is one of three siblings, but the only boy and the baby...I’ll let you feel in the gaps on that one!

- Craig LOVES cookie dough. I make cookies 90% of the time when he’s NOT home so that some dough makes it in the oven.

- Craig is an Ohio State fan.

- Lover of Sour Patch Candy- Watermelon or regular

- In the fall & winter, you will often find him waterfowl hunting

- Craig graduated from Weber High School, and Weber State University

- Loves Halloween. Not the creepy kind, just the fun dress up with the family kind. Each year seems to be getting bigger and bigger but he loves to do it!

- BIG fan of Ogden Pizzeria Pepperoni pizza- with MIXED sauce

-I can always count on Craig to watch a Cop Series (NCIS, Closer, White Collar & Castle ) with me regardless of what time it is or how early he needs to get up the next morning. The funny part is he knows I will fall asleep within the first 10 minutes, yet he still says yes and snuggles me in.

-He is FIERCELY loyal to his family

- Craig has many nicknames including, but not limited to: Craigie, Craigina, Creeeeg, Greg (whenever we go to a restaurant), daddy, ‘tinky pete’- courtesy of Bridger, daddy, hubby, hunky hubby, honey buns, and ’love.’

- Craig is a Steak and potatoes- with country gravy kind of guy. Dessert is optional.

-LOVES pepper. I have never met someone who uses pepper so frequently! We go through 2 bottles of pepper minimum to 1 bottle of salt. Now my kids are becoming just like him!

-Enjoys a good motorcycle ride- he had a bike but sold it after we had our first baby...

- His happy place is outdoors. Hunting, hiking, fishing, just sitting, camping, it is his therapy.

-He has worked for a local credit union for coming 10 years, and a branch manager for over 4.

Happy Birthday to the guy that is constantly making my dreams a reality. He is an amazing dad, an incredible companion and I am so grateful our lives came together! I love you, and thank you for being MINE! I wouldn’t have it any other way.



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