Dear Mckenzie,
There’s a lifetime for you to earn a nickname or two, but in just three short months you’ve already been given three! CC- for your chubby cheeks, tenzie- thanks to your brother, and ‘little one.’
I love to watch you take in the world around you. The other night we laid you on your back next to us as we played Go Fish, Old Maid and even a game of Jacks. You watched with us with such interest, almost like you were soaking every moment in- and absolutely content.
My heart melts at the joy that fills your face when I pick you up. It’s excitement, love, and security. I can’t help but be filled with joy knowing you feel safe in my arms. Oh, how I wish you knew how much your sweet smile fills others with such pure happiness!
I love to just stare at you, stroke your chubby little cheeks, olive skin, and your perfectly shaped brown eyebrows. I love to admire your beautiful long and wispy eyelashes. But I often find myself lost in your enchanting eyes. They are gentle, and filled with peace.
“Mom, Tenzie poops A-Yot,” and Bridger would know, he is fascinated by poop at this stage in life. Don’t worry, he doesn’t touch, just checks it out. He loves you, I will admit he is still cautious about holding you, but he loves to give you your binky and tuck the blankets around you. He’s gentle, a snuggler, and tender just like you. Looking at the two of you side by side, I’m pretty sure you share the same eyes- my eyes, big browns and I love them!
Oh, you definitely bring excitement! As Mercedes was holding you the other day, to her dismay, you had a blowout- up the back, out the sides it was quite the mess. Mercedes took on the job of cleaning you up. I was in the shower at the time so she figured it’d be a great way to make you smell better! As she was carrying you to me, you peed on her! I don’t think she knew what to think! She was still getting over your blow out!
Mercedes acts as if you are one of her own babies. She gets SO excited when you poop, or when you need a new diaper. She loves to change your diaper. Oftentimes she will put a new one on just in case...Every morning she comes into our room to see your ‘morning smiles,’ she will sing, talk, and play with you until she gets those sweet grins. Mercedes can’t get enough of you! Every time she gets the chance, she will pick you up and snuggle you like it’s been months since you last saw each other. You already have a special sister bond. I have two absolutely beautiful girls!
We’ve packed up all your Newborn & 0-3 Month clothes, even some of your three-month-old outfits are too short! You have an amazingly long body- just like Mercedes!
It’s amazing to see how strong you are. You’ve been working on those neck muscles since the day you were born, but to watch you hold your head up so well is exciting for me as a mom! You still have those cute cubby thighs and cheeks- and yes they still make me squeal with delight!
Thank you for letting me sleep at night! You’ve decided your bedtime is around 9:30/10pm and you’re bright-eyed and bushy tailed at 7:30am. Sure you eat and then take a little nap until 8 or 8:30am, but I will take it!
Your daddy gave you a beautiful blessing this month. Watching your daddy take you in his arms, and then watch as other men in our family gathered around in a circle to place their hands on your head is a tender feeling. You could feel their love for you, I hope you do too. You looked so cute! I couldn’t help but feel so excited to dress you in that specific blessing dress. It was the same dress I was blessed in over 27 years ago, and the same dress your sister wore for her blessing. Oh, Mckenzie, you have so many people that love you!
Thank you for being such a peaceful and absolutely delightful baby! Thank you for coming to our family, and thank you for being a perfect addition to our crazy family! We love you!
Love, your Mama!
This girl goes through SO MANY different facial expressions in just seconds- and this is the perfect example!