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Updated: Jul 31, 2019

I grew up in a family of seven, two sisters and two brothers of which I was the oldest. Although being the oldest came with plenty of responsibility, I loved it. I tried daily to be the boss in the house, and when mom and dad headed off to the temple each week, that’s exactly what I became over my siblings. It was awesome. I may have locked them out of the house a few times, but other than that I was a pretty good pretend mom/boss. As a side note, as a ‘real mom’ I have not locked my kids out once, thankfully I learned from my mistakes pretending to be mom...

I honestly can’t name a time where I ever said, “I don’t want to be a mom” or that ‘being a mom someday’ wasn’t on my 5, 10, 15 and 20 year list of goals and aspirations. When I sat in the basement playroom, raising the elevator to the upper level on my deluxe Barbie house, Barbie was on her way to go put new baby girl in her crib. (Sure baby’s room was on the porch which isn’t a very good parenting skill but we won’t get distracted by that minor parenting fail). When Barbie got in the car to go to a fancy ball in her six layer, beaded, flowing ball gown with her Prince Charming in the drivers seat, they had their baby in the middle ready to join them in all the festivities.

In my bedroom during the elementary years, I hauled my play kitchen from the playroom, upstairs to my room. I stashed chocolate chips in the “fridge” along with water, bread and other necessities so that I could survive in my room, it was like I built my own little apartment. I had my baby dolls, my barbies and I pretended I was a mom. I loved the idea and role of being ‘mom.’ I always have. Four kids. That’s what I wanted. Four. That seemed like a big family to me, and also it was an even number so when we go to the Lagoon, everyone has a buddy! No one has to ride alone. It was a logical number... Thankfully Craig agreed that four would be a great number for our family one day. He may have suggested three, but let’s face it, the man is the head but the woman, is the neck who can turn the head whatever direction needs be...overtime... (My Big Fat Greek Wedding wisdom right there). So four it will be! Maybe...

Fast forward and I was pregnant within the first year of our marriage, twice. I miscarried my first at 12 weeks, honestly I had no idea I was even pregnant! But then three months later I would find out I was pregnant with a little girl, my sweet, sweet, baby Mercedes. Gosh she was perfect! The pregnancy went smoothly, delivery went well enough for my first time, and life was good.

Three years later it was time for baby number two, of course Craig had his fingers crossed for that baby boy he just dreamed of having. I think he just wanted a guarantee that he would have a hunting buddy in his old age one day since I’m not exactly the worlds best hunter... When we were pregnant so quickly with our first two pregnancies, I thought for sure we would again be pregnant just as quick with our next baby. It seemed like an eternity waiting for that positive pregnancy test! Just over six months later we were pregnant and our little boy Bridger was born in July 2016.

Another three years later, we realized it was time for baby number three. Of course, baby number three took their sweet time. Over a year later, I finally received confirmation of a new pregnancy. In that year I questioned whether I would ever be pregnant again. I thought my body might be done! It was a hard feeling to accept that maybe I was not meant to have more children. Funny enough, a short time after accepting the possibility, I received a positive test. With that brought the biggest sigh of relief!

As Bridger has grown, so has his energy level, his busyness (just like any toddler) is constant, but man he is such a BOY! I wondered multiple times if I could risk having another boy in the family! So when it was ‘time’ to have another, it wasn’t necessarily because I was ready, it was just the next step in our lives. But other that year, my desire, and want for another baby grew! To be desiring such a good blessing, and at the same time coming to terms with the possibility of maybe not having any more children was silently hard on me. BUT I am grateful for the timing now. So unless you are immediate family, Grandparents, or Mercedes primary class (she failed the secret keeping test) you are wondering what this GINORMOUSLY big excitement is all about, if you haven't picked up the little clues yet...Without further ado...

The Atkinson clan- Craig, Mercedes, Bridger, “Nana”, yes like on Peter Pan (our Yellow Lab, Lexi) (I’d mention the cat-Lucky, but he could careless really...) and I are happy to announce that we will be welcoming baby number three into our family mid November 2019!!!! Not only will we be welcoming baby number three, but we will be welcoming another sweet baby girl as the tie breaker to this crazy family!

We are so dang excited, a little bit shocked because we really were expecting another boy for sure, solidly, name picked out and everything (it also may have been alluded to during our first early on appointment)... But we are thrilled to have a baby girl, and our daughter is of course, over the moon with excitement! We are 16 weeks along, baby girl’s growth is right on track, I’m past my 12 week mark so I am doing great! The nausea and food aversions were strong that first a result, the bath bombs were too... Life is fantastic and continues to get better and better!I CANNOT wait to start using those 18 bins of baby girl clothes again... and of course, be a mama to three healthy kiddos!

Family Portrait | Grace Idaho
Photo Credit: Cassie Warnes

Thank you all for your love, your support and kindness towards myself and my family!

We love each and every one of you!!! Hugs and kisses!



*As a side note, if you are wanting to schedule a session of any sort, but especially Senior and Family portraits, I will NOT be scheduling any sessions after October 31st 2019 until around March 2020. Please plan accordingly, I know that seems like plenty of time, and it is, but only if you plan ahead! :) I’m not worried about not being healthy enough to shoot more sessions until I deliver, I’m worried I will go into labor and not be able to BE at your session! Thank you for your patience, I am SO SO dang excited to meet you and your families before November!

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