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I Had a Dream...Once...

Updated: Jun 29, 2019

As I look back, I wonder to myself how did I get here? How in the world did I become a business owner and specifically a photographer? 6 years ago, it wasn’t even a thought in my mind! Then as I tried to dig deep to answer those ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ the memories, thoughts and feelings of the past started quietly creeping back into my mind. I could visualize the little people on Disney’s Inside Out sending up the illuminated globes of memories-past to my mind. It suddenly all made sense! I can promise you one thing for sure, this isn’t your typical; I grew up with a camera in my hand story….

Did you dream of being a Pirate, Cowboy, Farmer or a Princess? Maybe you wanted to be a Veterinarian, Bus Driver, Teacher, Doctor, Postal worker or Astronaut. As a child, our world had no limits to what we could or couldn’t be when we grew up, just because of one powerful gift we had- an imagination.

Just like every other kid on this planet, I changed my mind about ‘What I Wanted to Be When I Grow Up’ more than once… I had a friend named Carly, and if she wanted to be a dog walker, so did I. If she wanted to be a Marine Biologist- suddenly every book I had on the Ocean was on my desk, because I had to learn what that was so I could be one too. I wanted to be any and everything she wanted. I adored her. But there were three ‘dream careers’ I had over the years leading up to those College years that stand out as my own. First, I wanted to be an illustration artist. I loved telling a story through my art. There was only one problem. I can’t draw! I’ve mentioned it before but if you ask me to draw a horse, a person, sometimes even a flower, expect a stick figure. I didn’t think that would get me far in the illustration world… Next up on the docket was a writer! I loved making up my own stories, my imagination would run wild was I played out in our bushes or in my Grandpa’s fields. That had to be the best job ever! But I struggled to write something that didn’t involve a castle, a princess and a prince…So that wasn’t going to work either. Then during high school I met Ruth Todd (a former news anchor for ABC4) at BYU.

My mom and I decided to take a tour of the campus and see if it would be a good fit for me. I had toyed with the idea of being a news anchor by going into Broadcast Journalism. Meeting her was such a surreal feeling; she looked me up and down, and gave me nothing but encouragement and support. I suddenly felt like that was the path I would go! I was excited, I started slowly adding pieces to my closet that could be worn on TV someday- dressy blouses and dress slacks started accumulating and I submitted my application to BYU Provo. I was going to be in their Broadcast Department majoring in Broadcast Journalism. I was going to be a news anchor. But my acceptance letter never came. I applied three times and each time received the same reply. One thing I knew for sure, it wasn't a GPA or grade issue. I was devastated. You know that feeling when your heart is set in stone, and you KNOW how your path is going to go, then suddenly that plan feels like it's been smashed to a million pieces? That was me. I sat there on my bed reading that same letter over and over again hoping the words on the page would morph into ‘We are excited to let you know you’ve been accepted….’ That never happened. I looked around my teenage room and all I saw were pictures on the walls, my dresser, the nightstand, even the closet shelves were filled with yearbooks, scrapbooks and stacks of pictures. I loved the stories each image held. They were special. They were my memories, they were my stories. I couldn’t help but wonder, now what!? I silently asked what my story was going to be like now.

Why do I bring these past dreams and disappointments up? Because I’m human, I dream, and sometimes those dreams don’t work out, but each of those ‘dream careers’ had a theme. Did you notice?

That dream of being an illustrator was a way of telling a story. A writer another obvious way of telling a story. A news anchor ANOTHER way of telling a story. All three were in some form of a story teller! Having this AH-ha moment this week has made me grin and laugh out loud multiple times as I realize where I am now. I suddenly flashed back into my old Sage green room with the JCPenney floral bedspread (I had saved up all by myself for that bedding set- I still have it!), my dreamy, white shear curtains framing the large picture window, and that beautiful wall of images. I loved just standing there staring at all the faces. My brothers, my sisters, parents, pets, friends, grandparents, my world.

I realized something about myself. I am a storyteller. I have always dreamed of being a story teller in multiple different forms, and ways. An illustrator, a writer, a news anchor, and now I am a photographer. I love being able to capture my children and husband in the world we live in, but I also love the opportunity I’ve had to share in those moments with others. Being behind that camera, looking through those images after a session I realize how incredible my role is as a story teller. I get to not only imagine a story, I get to take a snapshot of one and it will last throughout all of time. I don’t think it was an accident that Craig felt to buy me that first Nikon DSLR camera. It’s put me on a phenomenal journey filled with joy, education, growth and love.

Two years ago I decided to make my hobby official. I created my own business named Capturing Memorable Images, initials- CM. (Craig & Mikenna). Ah cute! I know, I know. But a year ago we changed it again to what it is now, Mikenna Atkinson Photography. Two years may not seem significant. But it’s the longest self-employed business I’ve ever had, and to be honest I don’t see an end in sight. It has given me fulfillment and a greater love of people. I have gained so much more from this hobby than I ever thought possible. So to those of you who have let me share in your celebrations- 1 year birthday, Wedding or even a split moment in time when all your family was together, I thank you. I love you. I look forward to many more years of those sweet and tender moments.

When you have that moment of devastation from a dream un-fulfilled, realize that may not be the end. That dream may come true in another form. It may be even greater than you could ever have imagined. If I would have become a news anchor, my family time would be limited. It wouldn’t have been like it is today. My family is my world. I am grateful every day for the path and the story my life took.


There was a song that spoke to me as I looked over that bedroom wall, it still plays as I look through old memories and pictures, maybe you’ll enjoy it a small excerpt as well.

This is the clock up on the wall

This is the story of us all

This is the first sound of a new born child before he starts to crawl

This is the war that's never won

This is the soldier and his gun

This is the mother waiting by the phone praying for her son

Pictures of you

Pictures of me

All upon your wall for the world to see

Pictures of you

Pictures of me

Remind us all of what we used to be

Pictures of You by The Last Goodnight

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