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February. Yep. February. That's almost four months ago (on Saturday :)) when we scheduled this session. I have been SO SO excited to meet up with them but sometimes life doesn't go exactly as planned... Saturday night finally came and THE MOMENT we rolled into the parking lot of our first location, it started to rain. No big deal right? A little drizzle is a small inconvenience...we decided to give it a try. We walked a hop, skip and a jump down the road got to a nice spot, all set to go... then a lake began to fall from the sky. We went from a sprinkle, to a drizzle then an absolute downpour. Of course it didn't stop there, it started hailing to top it off! Suddenly we were cold, wet, wind blown and it was suddenly clear to us we would be waiting a few more days... Jake & Taelor were so patient! I felt horrible for having them get all dressed up, driving about 20 minutes just to get a bath from mother nature and turn back for home! They on the other hand, didn't complain!

They are such a fantastic couple! I spent about three minutes with them that night and came to a conclusion. They kind of like each other. Jake is kind of excited to call Taelor his wife. Taelor may be counting down the days until the deal is sealed... Basically, July can't come soon enough for these two! They have been 'together' since the 8th grade. For heavens sake I can't even remember who I was crushing on at that point of my life! 8th grade, that puts these two at over four years of having the hots for each other. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself. After the wedding they both plan on heading up to the great BYU Idaho for more school! Having your companion go through school with you is a blessing. I loved having Craig up at Weber State with me, even if we weren't in the same classes. It really became a highlight in my day! I'm excited for the two of them!

Well after a bit of a 'stormy' start, Monday morning rolled around and we tried again. I bet you would never have guessed that the images you are about to see, were taken at 6AM. If I could bold, underline, AND highlight that time, I would. You read it right. 6AM. Not only was it early, it was also overcast with the threat of more rain hanging over our heads, Jake and Taelor were of course, fantastic! I am thrilled with how their images turned out and SO SO grateful we could make it work before the start their world travels! Congrats you two love birds!

Thank you both for a wonderful reason to get up at 5am on a cloudy, overcast Memorial Day Monday! Let's do that again sometimes alright?



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