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Mckenzie's Fifth Month

This girl was once a Newborn, but suddenly she’s a Baby! I am always in awe at how quickly they change, and how much they learn in that first year. Being home 24/7 this past month has been such a fun time for our household. Each of us has been able to spend more one on one time with her and I’m pretty sure we have all fallen deeper in love with her. For example, Craig jokes that he’s a better parent after our babies are a year old, well he’s proven himself wrong just in the past few weeks. Due to a few schedule changes and adjustments, he’s been able to spend more quality time with the family and I have soaked up the peace we’ve had! I love having him home! Big daddy Craig has been quick to change diapers, pick Kenzie up and snuggle her, even smother her with kisses. She adores her daddy!  

  • She is so dang snuggly! Even my sister-in-law asked to hold her because she needed to get her ‘snuggle fix.’ Her little man is on the move and ‘does have time to snuggle,’ oh how I’m enjoying this stage! Even though you are holding her in your arms, she always wants to touch you too. So she will find your hand, your arm, face, whatever she can find to hold onto. I love it! As we speak, she is snuggled into my arm, sitting up and holding onto my fingers as I type. 

  • I know I’ve mentioned her eyes before, but this little one is for sure a BROWN-EYED girl! Although her eyes are brown, and they are beautiful in pictures, there is something deeper in them. I can’t quite explain it, but she has the most gentle, and bright eyes! Not only are her eyes bright, but they are perfectly framed with long, naturally curled, eyelashes! 

  • She still has a head full of hair, one area on the very back of her head thinned a bit, but no major hair loss. Although it has become a lighter, milk chocolate-like, brown instead of the dark, dark brown she had at birth. 

  • I make a point to be the first face she sees when she wakes up. OH, MY HEART! Her big brown eyes framed by her long lashes, THE most beautiful sleepy grin, and her rosy chubby cheeks, life can’t get much better! 

  • She really does have the most mellow nature of all our babies thus far. She loves to sit and watch her siblings play around her, she sleeps through all kinds of noise- let's face it, quiet is not the way I would describe our home...and is happiest just being held. Thankfully, she still takes a binky. I get a kick out of watching her content as can be, sit and munch on it. 

  • One of my favorite parts of this month is...SHE FOUND HER TOES!!! It is so cute to watch her pull her feet up to her face and suck on her little toesies!  Maybe that sounds gross, but I think it’s adorable!

  • Miss Kenzie loves car rides, this is one thing I am absolutely grateful for! If we want to go anywhere, it’s going to be a ride...want to go see dad at work ok, that’ll be an hour ride...want to visit anyone on Craig’s side of the family, yay! That’ll be two get the picture. But, this is also something our family enjoys doing together so I guess we're adding another “joyrider” (the legal kind) to the family! Let’s face it, normally she just falls asleep but it’s better than being upset! 

  • Next up, she is trying to move! Almost immediately after we put her down on her back, she rolls over to her stomach, props herself up on her hands, and then switches to arms down, and legs up, back and forth until she just looks like she’s swimming. I think she’s going to be a perfectionist. She knows what she wants to do, but can’t figure it out and gets so upset! One of three reasons she gets upset...(Hungry, tired or can’t move...) I wish I could say she only tries to move when she’s down on the ground but NO. I have to buckle her into her bouncy chair otherwise she will roll right out and over the side. It’s crazy. DETERMINED. Add that to the list of words for this girl! 

Cute Moment:

Mercedes received two mermaid dolls as a gift, one with blonde hair and the other with brown. Now that Kenzie grasps things- even though they go straight to her mouth, Mercedes wanted to share. She was so excited that she and Kenzie had ‘Sister Dolls.’ Funny enough, Kenzie really does like her little Mermaid! 

Well, with another month in the books, I’d say life is great.

She’s beautiful, and I’m looking forward to another fantastic month of developmental milestones and sweet memories to be made! 


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