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Mckenzie's Second Month

Updated: May 7, 2020

Time really does fly by. It makes me sad and excited at the same time, sad to see her growing and changing daily and excited to see her grow. One thing hasn’t changed though, the love her family has for her. She really has been the missing piece in our family, the perfect fit and gosh she has brought SO MUCH JOY.

Visual Changes & Developments

My first nephew- on my side of the family was born in September, just two months ahead of Miss Kenzie, but seeing him I remember thinking how absolutely tiny he was- even at 2 months old. A few weeks after Mckenzie was born, we all got together and it was amazing to see the two babies side by side, just a few months apart and yet there was such a difference! Size, expressions, developments, everything seemed to be so far advanced! It was a good reminder- a literal visual reminder, how quickly these babies grow!

We were absolutely thrilled to have her starting smiling at us this past month- talk about a quick way to melt my heart! I get SO excited at her big grins! Mercedes has learned that Kenzie is the happiest little munchkin first thing in the morning, so she usually pops into our room just to make sure she doesn’t miss ’Kenzie’s morning smiles!’ It’s so cute! Kenzie has started cooing back during our conversations- I love her little voice! She is finally started to focus on our faces, and ALWAYS scans the room to figure out where her daddy is. I can’t believe how much she loves him already.

During tummy time she is rolling from tummy to back, and funny enough sometimes she will roll to her side instead, and she is completely happy to stay there. At night she frequently rolls to her side to sleep.

She still has at least an inch of hair all around her head, still has hair on her little ears, and her hair has even started to grow back in the front. I don’t think she will have a hair supply problem...This girl does have some beautiful skin, as long as I steer clear of chocolate, her complexion has been amazing- she hardly has baby zits, I’m actually quite jealous...


I never would have guessed- especially after her wild and crazy entrance into this world, that this girl would be so peaceful! Peaceful is the exact word I find myself using to describe her! She is perfectly content snuggling with someone all day, eating once in a while and maybe get a diaper change here and there.

Those Cheeks! 

I say it on a daily basis, her CHEEKS!!! They are SO. DANG. CUTE!  Maybe it’s just because all my siblings- myself included were a ‘bunch of bird legs’ as mom puts it. Chubby cheeks haven’t really been in our DNA. To have a pair of these cute babies in our family is so exciting! What’s even better is Miss Mercedes knows a pair of cute chubby cheeks is something to celebrate. More than once she’s commented, “Mom, I just LOVE how her cheeks hang down!” How cute is that! 

The Best Kind of Snuggly

To say I am perfectly happy sitting on the couch holding this little bean all day is quite the understatement. I know there are a million + 1 things to get done each day, and only so many hours to tackle them but this little girl is like a drug, she is just so hard to set down, and makes you feel so good! That probably isn’t a very good comparison, but you get the point! When bedtime comes each day, I find myself excited to snuggle her in for her last feeding and watch her little eyelashes flutter as she falls asleep. I was given a baby wrap after I had Bridger but I waited too long to use it much on him. This go around I have discovered she LOVES to be wrapped up and worn around the house. I love these little snuggle moments and I love that I can still work on chores around the house.


There’s a six-year gap between Mercedes and Mckenzie, and with that in mind I figured Mercedes would be a great helper- since she had been when Bridger was born, but I had no idea just how much I would come to depend on my little six-year-old. She rarely passes up the chance to hold Kenzie, and when she does....well, good luck getting her back...ask Grandma...


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