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Mom of a Boy

Updated: Jul 19, 2019

I’ve always heard of parents going nine months never knowing what they were going to name their new bundle. I thought that was crazy! How do you go NINE months and still not make a decision? Yep, this is one of those thoughts/judgments that came back to bite me!

I had two to three ’girl’ names but when you asked me what ’boy’ names I had in mind, I went blank! Even Craig really had no idea what he wanted to name his little boy one day...

When we found out we were expecting our second little baby, of course we were so dang excited the usual question frequently crossed our minds- “What do you think we’re having? Girl...or Boy?” The day came and as we stared at the black and white ultrasound screen watching our little baby move, I’m pretty sure the following thoughts were running through Craig’s mind:

“I remember sayin' I don't care either way Just as long as he or she is healthy I'm okay Then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen And said "Ya see that thing right there, well you know what that means"

And I started wondering who he was going to be And I thought heaven help us if he's anything like me He'll probably climb a tree to tall and ride his bike too fast End up every summer wearin' something in a cast He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass, in a window down the street

I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback, if he's anything like me."

-Brad Paisley & If He’s Anything Like Me

A boy. Clear as day. A boy. This boy was about to be the first ‘boy’ in the family. Minus his own dad, Craig grew up with two sisters, no brothers. Within our own little family, we had a daughter, and a female dog. Craig’s excitement about having some more testosterone in the house was pretty hard to miss. I phone bill doubled that day because of all the calls, and texts he sent within hours of us making the discovery. He was one excited dad to be...

You’d think at this point we would have decided on a name...Nope. We toyed with a few, Craig loved the name Liam- but it had become WAAY to popular for Craig’s taste. Leroy was next up, but I didn’t love it. I threw in Royce but then Craig didn’t love it! We did this back and forth thing for nine months awhile...

10 days before our due date- just like Mercedes- I began the contraction process at 1 am and decided to head to the hospital around 9:30 am. Again, just like with Mercedes, I was met with a nurse that did everything she could not to roll her eyes at me when I told her I was in labor...Craig even warned her that I had a high pain tolerance and she might want to take me seriously- that didn't seem to satisfy her. Maybe I was smiling to happily, and my makeup, hair and outfit were too perfect. Maybe it was because I walked in without assistance and there was no constant scream coming from my mouth. Maybe I just asked too nicely to be escorted to the delivery room. Either way, she looked at us like we were easy kill... She took her sweet time getting us registered, and escorting us to a room. I even remember her telling me that I may have to go home for a little while and come back when I was further along...then she checked my progress. Let's just say I didn't go anywhere else that day. I felt so vindicated when she immediately responded, "Uh, I'll go call your Midwife."and quickly excused herself from the room. I know that was my pride talking, but sometimes it just feels good to hear 'you're not crazy.'

About five hours later, I remember looking over at Craig and asking, “Well daddy, what’s your little boy’s name?” He smiled as only a proud dad can holding his boy in his arms, and in a matter of fact voice replied, ”Bridger Paul Atkinson.” And so it was written, and so it was done! That was the beginning of our adventures with Mr. Bridger three years ago this week. July 11th, lucky 7-11, the biggest ‘Mama’s boy’ ever to enter this world, and the snuggliest baby you ever did meet was finally here.

Bridger is my baby who tried to eat a cascade dishwasher pod once. The one I have nicknamed ‘our little piranha‘-watch out it bites! Although he is getting much better at keeping his teeth to himself. Also the same little boy that cracked his head open while we were camping by falling off the trailers top step onto the pavement. (We super-glued it closed...) The same boy who broke his arm TWICE in a year, same arm...two different spots...while playing ‘horsey.’ Yes, just the basic parent crawling around, while kid hangs onto your back horsey. I’m sure you can only imagine the raised eyebrow look I received from the pediatric doc... And yes, the same kid that climbed our dresser to get gum out of the top drawer, only to have the whole dresser come down on top of him. When parents joke around about just trying to keep their children alive and safe I used to laugh at them. I don’t laugh anymore. Bridger has made my heart race faster than a race horse, and stop in the middle of a beat. He’s quite talented. Yet, this boy has brought me SO MUCH JOY!

He’s the same little boy that comes into my bed each morning. I love the sound of his bare feet pitter-pattering through the carpet, around our bed over to my side. I love his sleepy voice, groggy eyes and gentle touch as he asks, “Mommy, I ‘nuggle’ you, peas?” I love as he crawls into my bed and fits perfectly in my arms.

My little boy that LOVES to brush his teeth, as well as check out everyone else’s canines, bicuspids, incisors and molars. Thankfully this has resulted in three years of a cavity free mouth. He loves the dentist, and I’m pretty sure he’s going to be one when he grows up.

Bridger is my Sous Chef. When I cook or bake, I can always count on hearing the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor right up next to me within minutes of pulling the recipe book out. He LOVES to cook. I do have to keep an eye on him though because when that timer goes off on the oven, he will attempt to ’check it out’ for me... He also loves getting in the spice/seasoning cupboard and trying to add in his own flare. For some reason he always goes for Dry Mustard, Nutmeg and Garlic...

He makes me laugh. Oh, there is time after time that I have found myself outsmarted, surprised and educated by this little person. He has such a golden personality!

Bridger is determined to say the least. You can tell him ’NO’ and minutes later you find him doing exactly what you just said not to, yet because he’s smiling at you somehow you can’t find it in yourself to get after him. There have been more than one instance that I have been showering, only to hear a little voice, followed by his little head popping around the shower curtain- a grin consuming his face. “Mom, I get in shower wit you.” I kindly respond with a ‘no, but you can get in after I get out!‘ He smiles back, and the curtain falls back in place. When the door opens minutes later, I hear him giggle, and on the opposite end of the shower the curtain rustles, in appears a severely under-dressed little boy coming to join the fun. Needless to say, that’s my hint to get out. That’s what ‘wit you’ means.

He is my little cowboy wanna-be. My little handsome man. My son. As a mother, I’ve had him try my patience, and yet make my heart fill with so much love it seems it will explode. I am constantly falling in love with him, and his love for life. I love my little boy.

Sunday mornings roll around and most kids would kick and scream as you try to tie a small ribbon around their collar, not Bridger. He LOVES his bow ties. He loves to pair a nice bow tie with suspenders as well! Gosh he looks so classy when he's all dressed up! He usually wears his dark brown cowboy boots as well, but I have to admit, I do have to keep an eye on him as we walk out the front door. There have been at least two occasions he's escaped wearing his dinosaur rain boots to church. Last Christmas he was dressed to the hilt. Perfectly pressed white dress shirt with a black, red and gray sweater over top, red bow tie, black church pants, hair looked fantastic (and stayed in place, which is almost unheard of) all paired with his new cowboy boots. Or at least I thought so. We walked in for a nice Christmas Sunday service at church I couldn't figure out why we had so many grins were floating our way. I shook it off as our kids looked absolutely darling! When we finally sat down, I looked over and realized what the grins were all about. Bridger had switched out his boots at some point, instead replacing them with, you got it, his dinosaur rain boots. That was quite the classy look!

Remember how I mentioned his hair? Well, he loves to have his hair done. He will go to the bathroom, fill his arms up with the bottles of hair spray, water and gel and proudly come to me and dump his loot in my lap. When I finish, without missing a beat, he will usually lick his finger, and put whatever hair he thinks is out of place, back in order. It is pretty cute to watch.

I love his little voice. The tone, the way he pronounces, and repeats words and phrases- unless he’s repeating a phrase his dad may have said... I’ll let you fill in the blanks on that one. The way he annunciates his ‘T’s or says “I luv you mom,” or ‘Dane-chu’ (thank you) until you respond with ”You’re welcome.” He appreciates eye contact and your full attention. He adores his sister and calls her his ‘honey.’ Life has given me a gift that I never expected, and I am so grateful for it. This week I became a mother to a three year old, as well as my already six year old. Life is moving too fast! I love my son. Happy Birthday little guy!

Happy Birthday Little Man, thank you for allowing ME to be your mom! I love you!


Photo Credit: Leslie Miller Photography

Photo Credit: Cassie Woolsey Warnes

Photo Credit: Cassie Woolsey Warnes


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