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When Handed An Opportunity, You Take It

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

I have always loved ‘back to school season.’ As a returning student the idea of sitting in a desk again was rather disappointing, a bit of a bummer if you know what I mean, but the SEASON always brought excitement. I LOVED school shopping (partly because I could get tons of clothes- and partly because it meant my birthday was just weeks away!). I can’t say I loved trying on racks full of clothes, but I loved carrying in our bags of treasures and laying them out on the living room floor to show off for dad. I loved prancing around the room in my new shoes and backpack, but most of all, I loved the packing part. My mom was always the ULTIMATE school supplies shopper. It was an exhilarating feeling walking into Target and seeing the rows of school supplies beautifully displayed isle after isle! We would buy 20 boxes of Crayola crayons, loads of Elmers glue-sticks, stacks of spiral-bound notebooks, piles of Crayola markers, and watercolor paints. I was always amazed that we could buy so much, and I really thought we would never use them all but I was always wrong. Mainly because I was a sucker for a brand new box of crayons even though I had a whole box filled with used and like new crayons already... Packing my new binders with paper, notebook pocket folders and a pen pouch complete with freshly sharpened pencils and pens filled with perfectly smooth ink was always an exciting task!

Now I’ve swapped roles. I am the mom and I’m the one shopping for school clothes, shoes, socks, notebooks, pencils, pens, crayons and everything in between. I love it and get overwhelmed at the same time! I often find myself questioning why I am going through all the trouble. You see I have been homeschooling Mercedes. I know homeschooling is gradually becoming a common option, yet at times I feel ‘embarrassed’ to share our schooling technique. I’m not sure why I feel so inadequate at times, but I will say the feelings creep in. I find myself questioning whether I am making the right decision more than once during the school year.

A few years ago I had a three-year-old running around my house with an intense desire to learn and be taught. She was determined, self-driven, and had an impeccable memory. For example, if you opened up her closet, or her dresser and pulled out an item she could tell you who it came from without blinking an eye. I was always amazed by her ability to recall. As hard as it was for me to admit, I felt I needed to home school her.

I had been given a gift. A daughter craving to learn, the time and means to provide a good education, and a desire to be apart of her learning environment. After plenty of thought and prayer, it was decided. I was given the remarkable opportunity to be apart of my daughters' life that many parents would not get to experience. I found myself fulfilling the role of school cook, teacher, bus driver, recess monitor, and principal all at once. I guess it’s not that big of a deal since the role of mom in our household includes cook, comforter, teacher, driver, nurse, housekeeper, etc, but it definitely feels like I have extra responsibility on my shoulders.

Full disclosure here. I never thought it would be easy, but I also didn’t realize how hard, rewarding, easy, emotional, intense, peaceful, fun, discouraging, and enjoyable it would be! I have days I get up ready to take on the day with a battle ax- and then I find myself acting like one within the hour... There are days where we argue over reading one word that we’ve read thousands of times over, and more days where I just want to squeeze her because of the joy I feel watching her learn and comprehend what is being taught. I have days where my bed looks so much more appealing than my kitchen table... There are days I think of all the time to myself I could have if I sent her off to a public school, and then there are more days where I wouldn’t trade my opportunity for anything. Homeschooling is hard. Yet it really has been rewarding for me. I am not perfect. I did not get a teaching degree, I have no formal teaching experience, but I do have mother experience. I teach my children every day- 24/7. I feel sincere joy and purpose being a teacher. I am still learning the ins and outs of the school teaching world. I make mistakes, I lose my patience and my temper at times- yes even put myself in my closet for timeout...but I also get some amazing hugs, kisses, and smiles from my pupils. I often get teary-eyed at their tender spirits. So while it sounds contradictory that homeschooling is hard and easy, for me, my family, and especially my children, I can honestly say it’s been worth it!

Here are a few things I have LOVED about homeschooling:

#1- It really does go by quick! Instead of waiting for each student in a classroom to finish their tasks, I wait for one pupil. We can spend three hours and get A LOT of studying/learning in!

#2- I love that I can do hands-on lessons at any time. For example, my kiddos love to cook/bake. What a better way to teach them a life skill and learn math at the same time!

You can turn anything into a learning experience. Like the zoo? Turn it into a science lesson!

#3- I love that I can share my testimony with my children as they learn. They have no doubt who created them and where they came from. We openly talk about God and the important role he plays in our lives. We can even start and end the day with a prayer! I love it!

#4- Bridger is watching his sister through this whole process; he wants to be involved. In return I find Mercedes sitting on the couch teaching Bridger the alphabet and the corresponding sounds- he actually repeats them back to her! Remember the math Olympiad? One event required you to use hard plastic shapes to fill in the different patterns they provided. This is Bridger's favorite thing to do. He sits at our kitchen table, working the patterns over and over again until he feels they are correct. He is learning by example.

#5- We can eat treats any time... Today we snacked on Rice Krispies and Fudge Stripe cookies, then I sent them off outside to run around and burn off the sugar rush... See! I’m a great health ed teacher! ;) Don’t worry this isn’t the case every day, but my point being I know what feels like a reward to these kids. It could just be a sticker, but I love being able to reward and encourage them every step of the way!

All in all, this has been an incredible experience and opportunity I’m grateful to be given. I’ve already said it, but I’ll say it again, I am not perfect. I am not the most qualified person to be teaching children- but at the same time, I know I was born a woman. I was born with a responsibility to teach, to love, nurture, and encourage my children. How I do it may be different from some families, and that’s ok! The method we have chosen has been successful in our family. Thank goodness! So, here’s to a fantastic school year and without further ado, here are the pictures you've been waiting for!


This kid is a NUT! He looks everywhere BUT at the camera. Apparently having his hands in his pockets, and wearing cowboy boots seemed like a good time to start dancing around.... Such a goof!

Still Dancing....

P.S. I’ve had some ask me about resources that I use, I’m happy to share them, and what I love or don’t love about each one, but please know I am no professional! Each family is different, and so is each child. But I can share what’s worked for us!

Math: Saxon Math AND The Good the Beautiful Math programs. (I use both daily)

I love Saxon because of the traditional layouts, and worksheets (my brain loves this type of learning for practice). I don’t use the teacher's manual, to be honest, just the workbook.

BUT I love The Good the Beautiful because of the full color, the stories, examples, and way it appeals to my kiddos- we use this for our regular lessons (vs. just practice).

English & Reading & Handwriting: The Good the Beautiful. It felt a little fast-paced in the beginning, but something clicked over the last few weeks that has made it much easier to get through! English and Reading are in one spiral-bound book, and then handwriting is a separate book.

I also LOVE the Reading For All Learners books- they are actually based out of Logan, Utah, but books can be purchased online on Amazon in full color or black and white- they are just cartoon characters so I just purchased the black and white versions and we’ve loved them!

Science: We purchased our sciences units from The Good The Beautiful as well.

I love the Good the Beautiful because the prices are extremely affordable, the programs/sets are complete, and full color. They really are well done.

Last year we also had her in a series of Art, Clogging, and Piano lessons and she LOVED it!

My goal is to keep her well rounded with music, art, and being physically active alongside the traditional subjects. Thankfully all these activities are within 5 minutes of our home! YAY!


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