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If there was a bag of Cheetos in the house somewhere, they didn't last long. We called her the 'Cheeto Monster.' I thought she would have grown out of it by now, but I hear if there is any type of chip in the house, it disappears into thin air... Yep. That's my Marina! I love this girl. She is there to save the day when I'm in a pinch. She's there to give you the BEST hugs. She's there to let you know she cares and loves you. She is a girl with a heart of GOLD! I'm so grateful to have her around and close!

Marina has always been the spontaneous, adventurous girl. When she puts her mind to something you better watch out, she is the most determined person I think I have ever encountered! If she wants to be Senior Class Secretary, AND National Honor Society President, AND be actively involved in Pep Band as a flute player, BPA (Business Partners of America), AND teach my daughter piano lessons, AND work at least 10-20 hours a week, AND get straight A's, AND date/socialize AND fulfill any church duties she may have, she will find a way to do it! I am in awe of her and her abilities!

Marina and I get along pretty well...we both are sarcastic, love crime-themed series, ice cream, our own space, organization, and Kneaders breakfast. We make quite the duo!

I was racking my brain for some good blackmail to share about this girl, but unfortunately there isn't any! The worst thing I could think of about Marina is when she jumped off the bunk bed ladder at about 4 years old and let's just say her leg didn't tolerate the impact. I remember being downstairs and you would hear the clunk, clunk, clunk across the ceiling. She wasn't shy about it either. I can't tell you which family member it was, but someone upset her and they paid for it with a swift kick in the nose with that cast. She still grins when we tell that story!

Taking her out to the field of wheat, the train car, the secret ivy wall and old barn was a dream. I found so much enjoyment in spending time with this girl. I may have come back with shoes filled with burrs, but it was all worth it! Thank you Marina for a fantastic evening, I love you!


We are now booking Senior Portrait Sessions! There’s a package designed to fill all your Senior year celebration needs! Contact us today to schedule, sessions are limited due to our new baby’s arrival this fall!

For package details & options click here:

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then select SENIORS from the drop-down menu!

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