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Mckenzie's Seventh Month

We have a dolphin in the house, bet you didn’t even know such a thing like an indoor Dolphin existed, but it sure does! Our little Miss Kenzie has a human body but speaks the dolphin language with her clicks and chitter-chatting. But her favorite way to use her voice is to mimic Elsa. She loves to randomly sing, “AAAAAHH-AAAHHHHHHHHHH”! She’s not even pitchy! (That’s an Olaf reference from Frozen 2). I’m pretty sure she’s fallen in love with Craig’s singing voice. She just stares at him as he sings, oftentimes she falls asleep listening to him.  

At this stage in life, we find ourselves playing the, “Ah! here she comes! Quick shut the doors, hurry to pick up the shoes, OH, KENZIE NOT THE GRASS,” game. She’s quite a mover. When we are outside she seems to be part beaver too, she thinks it’s just grand to gnaw on sticks. Oh boy... Is that her VERY favorite item to gnaw on? Oh no. She likes the modified version of wood too. Paper. In this house, you cannot leave out any form of paper- boxes, packages, envelopes, sticky notes, books, notebooks- you get the picture- don’t leave those out either. If any of these items come into her grasp, say ‘Sayonara!’ because that little baby is as good as gone.  That’s why there’s nothing for dinner lately, she ate my dinner menu!  Ok, maybe that’s not true, but it would be a good excuse! Kind of like the ‘my dog ate my homework’ instead, I’ll just say, “I’m sorry, but my daughter ate it...” 

This girl is full of surprises. For some reason, she has found enjoyment in stealing my nursing pads. This may be one of those ‘too much information’ things but she gets the biggest kick out of stealing them. The moment she gets ahold of them, she starts waving them around- seething with enjoyment. Silly Girl!

Next up, she ADORES her siblings. As long as they are upstairs, Kenzie will find a way to get in the same room, in the same space as they are. She hates being locked out of their room. The kids are quickly learning they can’t leave their toys on the ground. But the tenderest moments come when we are snuggled into bed, she loves to snuggle next to them. This past month she crawled off my bed. While she let me console her, the moment Bridger climbed into bed next to her, she wanted to be next to him. He put his hand on her face, and just stroked her cheek, she melted under his touch. Mercedes loves to haul her around like she’s the mom, and that’s just the beginning.

These kids have more love in their hearts for such a tiny person than I could have ever imagined. I’m so grateful for this little family of mine! 

Backdrop: INK & ELM


These eyes though!!!

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