My daughter adores her friend Abbigail and I'm pretty sure she shed a few tears when Abbigail moved into her new home, even though it was only a few blocks away. Blocks were much farther than 'just out the back door.' The girls loved playing together and they came up with all kinds of creations and ways to use their imagination. One day Abbigail excitedly informed us that she was going to be a big sister again, and the wait for baby Wright began! I have to admit I was kind of nervous to congratulate the parents because I wasn't sure if it was ok that I knew yet or not! Kids are so funny, they always have the best stories and 'secrets' to share! There are days where I think I missed out on a fun opportunity to be a school teacher- I'm sure the stories they get to hear are epic!
Well, the day arrived and so did cute baby Stella Sue! She is a tiny little thing! One of my favorite parts about being around newborns is tangibly seeing the bond between baby and mother form. It's incredible! Baby Stella was no different, if she had any sort of cry, mom was there and made everything better- just the way it should be right?! Stella is the scrunchiest baby I've ever seen! She is tiny, with a beautiful head of fine, dark hair, and makes the cutest sounds! This girl couldn't have asked for a better set of siblings, I have no doubt they will absolutely smother her with love!
Stella Sue, welcome to this world you are loved so much more than you know! Thank you Ashley and Stella for a wonderful morning!