I know, I know you hear that song playing in your head as soon as you read the title! Thankfully, this family is WAAAAAY cuter, and has none of the same traits as the Addams Family in the song!
We had this session planned and on the calendar back in March! As each month ticked by our excitement grew! But of course the week of, we noticed the forecast called for nothing but rain! Go figure! Thankfully after watching the hourly weather radar, and driving through an extreme downpour- I started panicking and hating my weather radar in that moment! It cleared up for us to get some great images! I was SO relieved and grateful we were given a small window of time to capture this cute family, in this stage of life!
Meet the Adam’s family! With a house FULL of girls, no I’m not exaggerating, life is never boring! Let me introduce you to Mike(their King & Prince Charming- one lucky guy), Cami and their FIVE daughters, Matsyn, Halle, Payten, Sage and little Ava. You can bet there is a lot of attitude, personality, sass, love, and stories to tell when you get to hang out at their house for an hour or two! I couldn’t believe how much they’ve grown though! About two years ago we went out on a beam- at least that’s what it felt like, an old bridge in Bear River, Utah that had been removed from it’s duties, and I swear, it was literally being held up (and in place) by one beam. It even had holes on the ‘floor’ where you could see the river below your feet. My clients always take me on the BEST adventures, and to the BEST places! Anyway, we went out there and took some cute pictures of the girlies.
Naturally I had their same faces, same looks in mind when I showed up to their beautiful home this past weekend for their session. I was wrong! The girls have all grown so much. Matsyn is off dating (she wasn’t when I met her!), Halle is an expert horse rider, Payten gets more and more beautiful every time I see her. Payten is so dang bubbly and cute I could squeeze her! Little Ava, still as cute as ever with a smile and laugh that is contagious! Cami, as mother of the house, was still has gentle and kind as always, then there’s Mike. He’s got a little more gray then the last time I saw him. I wonder if that’s what comes from having 6 girls under one roof, all heading into their teenage years...All in all, I enjoyed watching their personalities shine through.
The Adams have very giving hearts, ever since I’ve known them they have always had that deep desire to give, to do something more with their lives whether it was possible or not. I admire that about them. Mike and Cami have worked extremely hard for the family and life they have. I can’t take Craig to their house otherwise he’d try to move in on their property :) They are a sweet family and I’m grateful I was able to meet up with them again!
Thank you Adams family! By the way.... BOOGERS! :)
