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The Bowers Family

Have you ever made a plan, set your heart on it only to have it fall through moments before it was to happen? How did you react? I bet it wasn’t quite as flawlessly as Sam did! Sam was referred to me by another sweet family and I can honestly say we hit it off immediately. I feel like Sam is a friend I’ve had since the beginning of time and it’s been less than a month! One of many things we had in common is our love of the Grace landscape, even more specifically, the area down by the power plant. It has always been one of my all-time favorite places. I love the colors, the wild grass, the river, rocks, the color variety, the list goes on. The plan was to take her cute little family down to the footbridge for family portraits but life is unpredictable. As I was making my way down to the area we were to meet, I passed MULTIPLE vehicles with kayaks which I thought was kind of weird but didn’t think much more about it until I pulled into the parking area. There were TONS of them everywhere, in the parking lot, pulled off the to the side, in the fields, little mini camps of people like I’ve never seen down there. I called up Sam and let her know we needed to find a new place. She took it like a champ. Thankfully, I have another spot in the area that I love and I think it turned out absolutely beautiful! Their outfits were perfect, the family was patient, kind and generous to a T.

The landscape is kind of unique, it’s rocky, with grass but the colors in the rocks and random native plants that grow can be from a sage brush greenish blue to a blooming yellow flowering bush. It’s kind of interesting to see the contrast! All things considered, I have officially added six cute humans and one tiny dog to my ‘new friends’ list and I’m so grateful they made the trip down! I have to admit though, I almost got Sam a face punch... We asked the boys if they were going to give them mom a kiss, and I’m pretty sure they thought we were talking about ‘a kisser’ so they were ready for a mini boxing match, don’t worry, they were corrected swiftly and we moved on to a nice hug instead! The evening was perfect. We had a few stray flies, but no snakes, spiders, mosquitos, and any other unsavory creatures make their presence known which was one more blessing we added to the pile!

Sam, I think the wait was well worth it! Thank you for becoming a friend I didn’t realize I was missing! Your family is beautiful, your outfits looked perfect, and the experience was memorable and of course, I can't thank you enough for the yummy caramel apple and popcorn! I look forward to next year already- you’d better warn Joe ;).

Love, Mikenna



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