As I look back at the beginning of one of the biggest chapters in my life, I can't help but be grateful for the absolute 'fairy tale' love I felt with Craig. Being in love, being happy, giddy, giggly, all 'love-struck' is a perfect way to start a marriage! I'm sure some would disagree with me and say there's much more to it, and let's face it, there is but as a couple you don't fully know what you'll be facing in your future together. The future is telling, it is a good indicator of your character, your personality, and your dedication. Marriage is tough and yet it SO rewarding! Craig could probably be the first to tell you that I still struggle not getting my way, or accepting my way isn't always the 'perfect' choice, and ironing just isn't my thing BUT at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade this married life.
Meet the Harris family, these four right here have had their character, their lives, and their love tested over and over again. I love these four more now than ever. Life hasn't always been easy, but gosh I look at the four of them together and can't help but think it was all worth it. They are an incredible family so filled with love and support for each other I can't help but admire them.
Andrew is a former Army guy, don't let that tough dad look fool you, this guy is a marshmallow inside! My little Kenzie sees him coming and gets so excited to be held and 'babied' by him. He gives her his full, undivided attention and she absolutely soaks it up! Andrew is a jack of all trades, he is intelligent- truly the information his brain holds amazes me!....and he's the first one to arrive when you need help.
Amy, I'm not sure where to start with Amy, as I look at her face throughout these pictures my eyes can't help but well up with tears. She is an incredible mom. I don't think this woman knows how to give up on people. She is 'brutally honest' at times but it's amazing how she can do it and yet you still know she loves you with all of her heart. Amy is beautiful inside and out. Amy is thoughtful and generous. One thing I love about Amy is she is always trying new things! I am so stuck in my ways I get the same brand of food, the same snacks, the same cleaners, the same everything! I really don't venture out for 'new things.' Amy does, she's always surprising us with new things from birthday cake kit-kats (a new favorite of mine) to cotton candy grapes(YUM!) and unicorn hot chocolate or magic bonfire dust-(ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!). She always seems to be up for an adventure and I love her for it!
Together Andrew and Amy have raised two spectacular kids, I'm so grateful to have them so close! I love Keeley's little giggle and sweet personality. I love Keenan's gentle demeanor and tender soul. I can't say it enough, I LOVE this little family!
I hope you enjoy another cute family and get inspired to update your own family portraits!