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The Ball Family

I met a new family! Kathlynn and I have been messaging back and forth for a few months making arrangements to meet up, and I’m so grateful we did! What a cute family! I love every last one of them! AND you’d be so proud to hear, I know ALL their names! I‘m sure I would botch the spelling, since I seem to be good at that when it comes to spelling names, BUT you’re welcome to quiz me any time!

This location has quickly become one of my favorites- as matter of fact, this is the same place our family mini sessions will be held next month! (Shoot me a message if you’re interested!)

I’m sure you’ve already assumed this but just in case you need a reminder...

A fantastic location + a beautiful evening + a great family = An absolutely spectacularly memorable session!

Kathlynn & Doug are a pretty cute couple alone, but then you add in their six munchkins- although they’re not so little so maybe I can’t call them munchkins any more, and you get a night filled with laughs, priceless expressions, and hundreds of images. Yes I said HUNDREDS! One of my favorite parts was Mr. Doug. He could get his kids, and especially his wife laughing so easily I found it hard at times to steady my hands I myself was laughing along!

I loved the way the kids would smile when asked ”Do you love your mama?” I loved seeing their smiles reach past their mouth to their eyes. That may sound funny but there is a difference in just a smile and a smile that reaches ones eyes. A smile that reaches they eyes is deep, rich and sincere for a small moment, you get a glimpse of pure, unaltered joy! One thing I am sure of, these kids, and Doug LOVE Kathlynn. What a special honor!

I LOVED watching the kids run around like they were in paradise- a playground full of options from an old creaky barn to a classic old train car, other than the pokey weeds... it was practically perfect in every way!

I did wonder when the family first pulled in, why they were riding in two different vehicles one of which was an old Ford F-250 truck with a red stripe down the side. As our conversation progressed I discovered it wasn’t just any truck. This truck had a name. GRANDPA. Lovingly named of course, but it had been Grandpa’s truck, so it is absolutely fitting! I smiled because Brock (their oldest) reminded me SO much of my own brother. Great young man, loves his old truck (Nate had an old solid white Ford as his first truck), country music, cowboy boots, plaid shirts and a easy-going personality. Everyone needs a brother or two like that! My heart did do a little leap for joy when I heard he wanted to have his portraits by Grandpa. Sentimental images are some of my favorites!

All in all, if you haven’t been able to put the pieces together by now, I absolutely enjoyed myself. I loved being around each of them individually, and as a family. I loved watching the variety of personalities, likes, dislikes, and who they are as a family come out. I fell in love with this family. It always amazes me that this can happen. One encounter with someone and you feel like you should call them family! Thank you Doug, Kathlynn and family for making it an evening I will remember, appreciate, and I’m sure brag about for awhile!



Soon to be ELDER BALL!!! Good luck young man!

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