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Thorne Family

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

Tremonton, Utah | FAMILIES

Around Novemberish, we had a sweet family move into our community. Because of my interaction with the children in our Ward (church group), I was able to meet them the first week they arrived, and what a contribution they have been! Alan & Heidi have three cute kiddos, and have become some fun friends to have. They're always up to something!

Fun fact for you, we've been told that the house they are living in, as well as the surrounding property, was used once upon a time, as a pony express house/stop. I love 'Old Things,' and my husband loves history. I don't watch a lot of television, I'm more of a movie kind of girl, BUT when we aren't visiting family on Sundays, you can be sure I will be watching Antiques Roadshow with the rest of my clan sitting next to me. I'm always intrigued by what people bring in, and what it's worth. So photograph a family on property that holds a place in history? YES SIREE I will do that!

Alan is a man of many trades, I'm pretty sure there isn't a job he hasn't tried in his lifetime. Then when you ask about hobbies? Again, I don't think there's one he hasn't tried! Then there's his sweet companion Heidi, she's crafty, bubbly and full of joy. I don't think you'll ever catch her with a frown on her face. Doesn't she have a gorgeous smile!

Spunk. That's what this girl has. She loves her picture taken, and even when there were those in between moments when she didn't 'need' to be looking towards the camera, I'd look over, and there she was, grinning back at me waiting to hear the click of the shutter.

She made my job easy!

A few days before this session, we were celebrating his sisters first birthday, while we were there, little man here took a fall and got some pretty crazy war wounds, yet he is, with that cute smile on his face. As his wise mom puts it, the scrapes are part of his story! I would have to agree, this is definitely the face of an adventurous little boy!

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