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Kash - 1 Year

1 Year Old | Grace, Idaho | Southeastern Idaho Photographer

When we first moved to Grace, my church assignment, or ‘calling’ was to be a Nursery worker- meaning all children 18 months to 3 years old would hang out with yours truly while their parents went to their own classes. I absolutely enjoyed the assignment. I mean no offense, but playing with pretend kitchen food, cars and even the occasional game of bowling followed by goldfish crackers and cheese sticks is kind of hard to beat. I haven’t been to Relief Society (class for the women), a whole lot, but I’m pretty sure they don’t have food, or playtime... ANYWAY I was partnered with some incredible people, one of which was named Sister Kimball- I quickly realized how incredible she was. Talk about a sweetheart! One day we were talking and Sister Kimball expressed her deep love, and anxious desire to be able to hold and love on her newest Grandson. He and her daughter Alyssa had a rough go during & after delivery. I could only imagine how she must have felt having to wait to love on her new Grand-baby. I’ve been lucky enough to have my mom present for all three of my babies when they took their first breath, the love that immediately filled my mom’s face when she held each of them is unforgettable. 

 Just a few short weeks after my conversation with Sister Kimball I was privileged to meet miracle baby Kash. Oh was he a sweetie! Alyssa was nothing short of a proud mama! I loved meeting them both, and from that moment on, I could tangibly feel love and sweet friendship with her! This all happened a year ago this month. So why does this session seem fitting you might ask? Well because a year ago I met Kash for the first time, he was my first ‘Idaho newborn.’ This year, he became my first official session back since my own maternity leave. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. This little guy is SO. STINKIN. CUTE! When they walked in, even with his eyes full of sleep, he instantly filled the room with joy. That little boy is loved, and you can feel his security. 

I loved daddy’s request- make sure we get the shoes! True dad right there! Kash was definitely in style. A true boy, sporting his red Nike’s! This boy LOVES, and I mean LOVES all things boy- balls, being outdoors, being with his daddy, and yet, I’m pretty sure he’s a momma’s boy too- smart kid already! One of my favorite things about Mr. Kash is his facial expressions, they are stellar! He can go from surprised, to thrilled, and in awe in about 5 seconds flat. Whenever I blinked, I was always concerned I would miss out on another epic expression! He is such a cute kid. I’ll admit, I did make the conclusion that Alyssa and Tyson have a cute boy named Kash, and I have a cute baby girl, just a year younger named Kenzie...

Kash & Kenzie kind of has a ring to it... Just saying...

I may have said it before, but I work in a saturated industry. I can name at least seven other photographers just in the Thatcher-Grace area- that’s about a 15-minute span. SEVEN! If that is how it is just in this small little area, imagine how many photographers are out there. To have Alyssa reach out to me means the world. There are PLENTY of options, price-ranges, and styles out there but the biggest compliment for me is her return, her friendship, and her support. Each family that comes my way, and lets me into their lives in such a personal way, is a blessing. They become friends, and sometimes almost instantly feel like long lost family - not ‘just clients’ and I am SO grateful for each of them- Alyssa and her family are the perfect examples of this! What a neat profession, and opportunity I have been given! 

To Tyson, Alyssa and Kash, thank you. Thank you for becoming family, for becoming people I love, and feel absolutely spoiled to know and build relationships with!  I love you all!

Happy Birthday Mr. Kash- love your future mother-in-law... I mean,

Love, your favorite Mikenna... 

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