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Raylee Ann | One Year Celebration

Remember when an 'old family friend' would see you and say to your parents, "OH my heck so, and so, how did your children get so big!... They have grown up SO much since I last saw them!... I hardly recognize them!" I remember those remarks, and at the time I thought,

"Oh, brother, another age-ed person remarking about how 'grown-up' I am. Seriously, I've been growing for like, 10 years now, it didn't happen THAT fast! I mean, by the time I get out of elementary school, High school won't even exist!- The world will have ended by then..." That sounds ridiculous, but I was absolutely convinced I would never see the halls of a High School. Yet, here I sit, 27 years and 10 months old. Out of Elementary, passed Junior High, and Graduated from High School, I even have a degree from an accredited University.

My goodness, life moves fast. I now find myself looking at pictures of my children and asking those same questions family friends used to ask. "Gosh, how did they get so big?! Where did the time go! Why can't they stay little, and chubby-cheeked forever?" It's a funny situation to be in, but the reality is, it's not just my family experiencing this 'growing up crisis'...

See these girlies? I love them, and they are yet another example of littles growing up! The last time I saw them was in church, similar to everything else, March was our last encounter. Yet, in just three months I feel like they have changed so much on me! What blew me away was the fact that it felt like only a few months since Raylee's newborn session, and here we were doing her 1 Year celebration! Yep, you read that right. This baby girl is officially considered a Toddler, not even an Infant! *** Insert tears *** Of course it wouldn't be a birthday celebration without the rest of the sister crew!

So take your time, soak these images up, because while we were able to freeze the moment, unfortunately, time is still passing by!



Fresh Flower Head Wreath | Marie with Soda Springs Floral

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