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The Richey Family

I can’t believe I’m just getting around to showing off this family! Their pictures turned out fantastic- but that’s to be expected because they are pretty dang cute! I have to confess when I leave a session I usually leave feeling like I’ve just discovered a set of long lost family! This time, that family bond feeling was extra strong! Why? Well, ok, they are official, on paper, a certificate in hand and all, family. Jess is my hubby’s oldest sister! You know you’re family trusts you when they ask for pictures! I love it! So let me introduce these cuties pies! This is my brother-in-law Paul, his wife Jessica, and their five kiddos! They are a good looking family, aren’t they!?!

One of my earliest memories from way back when Craig and I were dating, was being at Jessica’s home in Plain City. The family was having a get-together and I was so used to being the oldest ‘child’ (I was 18 at the time- so still a child according to Paul :) ) in the room, that being in a room full of adults and only three ACTUAL CHILDREN (three kids under the age of seven) I didn’t know what to do! So, while the adults settled in to play Apples to Apples, I plopped myself down on the floor with the kiddos- yep, my comfort zone. Despite their repeated attempts to have me come and join the ‘adults’, I stayed right where I was. I’m sure I made quite the impression! Craig’s never admitted it, but I’m sure he was probably embarrassed by his future wife’s behavior. Nevertheless, Jess welcomed me into her family and didn’t talk Craig out of dating me. In case you were curious, I have finally joined the adults at the big table :).

Just for fun, here are a few fun facts about this family of mine!

1- I am not a mushroom fan, I have no desire to eat them, and I can count on two fingers how many times I‘ve purchased fresh mushrooms. BUT these two, Paul & Jess, make a to-die-for, probably bad for your heart health stuffed mushroom! Oh heavens! When there was a game on and the family was getting together, these two had the stuffed mushroom job and they knocked it out of the park every time! So yummy!

2- They are kind of Ohio State fans. They may have Ohio State t-shirts, hoodies, pants, hats, blankets, probably even underwear, toothbrushes, shower curtains, ties, and everything in-between. Ok, maybe ’kind of’ was a tad weak in describing their love for THE Ohio State. Long story short, they’re fans- which remember, is short for FANATICS!

3- Their two youngest children are adopted! After some time as foster parents, they welcomed Gaby (their youngest daughter), and a year later, her brother Logan into the family. Both were brand new babies. These two didn’t hesitate even though they knew there could be challenges in the future. Although there have been plenty of difficult moments, days, weeks, even months, they have given these two children a life that is 100X better than they could have ever have had otherwise. They gained a fiercely loyal, protective, and loving mother & father in Jess and Paul.

4- Paul is a great storyteller. We went camping up near Bear Lake for our traditional family camping trip this past June, during the adventure, my littles- the 4-year-old, and seven months old were ready for bed much earlier than the rest of the crew. As we laid there in the tent, all snuggled into our sleeping bags, I could hear a popping campfire and the cutest little giggles. I could hear Paul's voice and I knew what stories he was telling. I knew those stories because they were ’classics’ in our family. But the best part was even though those kids had heard the same stories for YEARS over, and over again, their laughs never wavered. Occasionally they’d insert a comment, or finish the sentence but their giggles continued. It was one of my favorite parts of the trip.

5- Jess is a Nurse, which means when an emergency presents itself, her nurse mode kicks right in! A few years back Craig and I were emptying large rocks from the back of our truck onto a rock pile at Jess & Paul's house. One moment we were fine, just throwing them out one by one, but for some reason, Craig and I both decided to throw them the opposite way, at the same time without vocalizing our idea... That resulted in my rock hitting his rock, both of which crushed Craig’s finger in between. I know quite the split-second problem. This left Craigs finger split open, bleeding profusely, and a Craig slowing slipping into shock. I was embarrassed and felt horrible. I thought for sure Craig would never talk to me again. But, Jess was there. She took him into her home and fixed him up best she could. She loved him and met his needs. I was so grateful to her that night!

Basically, if you haven’t already been able to tell, I love this family of mine. They are sweet and genuinely want to be good people and make a difference in this world. I love you Richey family! Thanks again for your love & care!



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