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The Spencer Family

How grateful am I that there are people in this world willing to be farmers! My freezer is full of meat ready and willing to fill the bellies of my family! This is only possible because someone was willing to give up a ‘luxury’ life filled with carefree living for a life filled with dirt, time, good and bad weather, tears and joy, worry and care. I am indebted to the farmers in this great country. I was able to spend some sweet time with one of these great families. Meet the Spencer family!

More often than not, the husbands are usually the ones ‘tagging along’ to the session, rarely do I find a male that is excited for their picture to be taken, and even more rare to find a male that knows exactly what he wants for his family’s photos! Levi was an exception! When I arrived he knew exactly what he wanted! I loved it! These girls love their daddy! Levi fills his role in this little family perfectly- he is definitely the head of the household, and those girls, are in great hands! TaNesha is a sweetheart, gentle and kind and although she doesn’t demand attention, she has a quiet way of contributing a valuable piece to this family. It’s absolutely enjoyable for me to watch these little families interact with each other! One of my favorite parts of the time well spent were the two little girlies. AuBree and Berkeley are so full of spunk and life, it’s hard not to just watch them move around and enjoy this world! They are carefree and absolutely happy to be alive! At one point in our little adventure, Miss AuBree showed off her square dancing moves, and watch out boys there’s a new girl in town! I couldn’t help but smile at her groovin!

I don’t know how I keep getting so lucky, but gosh I’m so thrilled that I was able to meet this cute family! They are quite the crew, and I thoroughly enjoyed the adventure! Thanks Levi for saving me from the protective mama cows, thank you TaNesha for your sweet nature and thank you little girlies for bringing a nice big smile to my face!



This cute girl's many faces- in seconds!

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