A Spring Dream | Grace, Idaho | Children

When I first met this baby girl she was all smiles, months later on the day she came to visit me she was no different! She smiles and the whole world and it's problems melt away in an instant! To say I've been counting down the days until we could get this little one in front of the camera is an understatement! I have been SOOOOO excited! This past weekend I 'borrowed' an office and we put together a 'Springy' set up. I am a sucker for whites, I love the clean and crisp look and feel they provide. It was a cute set up, but the real magic happened when little Eva showed up with her baby blue eyes.
Normally I don't have my little munchkins tagging along, but this day was special- a baby was coming! My little 6 & almost 3 year old could not keep their eyes off this little girl! Mercedes wanted to stay at least within a foot of her at all times, and when we were finished up, she just wanted to hold her. Mercedes asked, well more like interrogated Jaesee (the sweet & patient mama) about when she would let her babysit. I had no idea my kids were such baby lovers! Between her chubby little toes- painted pink of course, perfect little fingers, her incredible eyes framed with tender eyelashes, her pearl bracelet and tiny earrings, the drop dead gorgeous smile it was all we could do not to kiss her to death!
The thing I love most, ok that's a lie, ONE of MANY reasons I love that little Eva is she is so filled with love. You watch her and her mama interact and it is such a sweet and tender relationship, I can only hope my children look at me that way! By the way, she has the CUTEST nose crinkle! OH MY HEAVENS! Jaesee is an absolutely GORGEOUS mama inside and out, she has a killer smile and beautiful eyes! She is bubbling over with love for that little girl. She is an amazing mother, and has such a sweet personality, I am excited to spend more time with her! I couldn't have been more grateful to her for sharing her time and her daughter with my rambunctious clan and myself! I was completely and positively spoiled by their presence! Thank you Jaesee & Eva!
Florals | Soda Springs Floral - Marie (She is INCREDIBLE!)
I am opening up Friday, April 5th and 12th for Spring Mini's. These sessions are by appointment only. For more information, shoot me an email @ mikennaatkinsonphotography@gmail.com, in the subject please put Spring Mini's, or shoot me a message on Facebook! More information will be posted this week as well!