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Blayklie & Jaxtyn

Spring portraits in coral, yellows & blues | Baby Cousins | Babies in a basket | Baby Toes | 4 & 5 month old babies
Blayklie & Jaxtyn | Spring Session | Grace Idaho

These two are darling, just a month apart from each other they seem to thoroughly enjoy being together. I have the benefit of attending church with these two cute babies and their families each week. I get a kick out of watching the two talk, grab at, and interact with each other. Sometimes one mom has both sitting on her lap, other times they sit in their car seats on the floor babbling to each other, and of course there are also those times when they are ready to just snuggle their mamas. I can only imagine the deep love they have for one another. I'm sure their moms are already wondering how in the world they are going to keep up with the pair!

Spending about an hour with them last week was a joy. I loved playing with, and talking to each of them individually & as a pair. I love seeing their different personalities shine through. Jaxtyn is a reserved boy, just chill. Content to just sit and at times unscathed by all the noise going on around him. The complete opposite of my own almost 3 little boy. It made me wonder if my little guy was ever that way but if he was, I sure don't remember it! But the one thing that gets him all excited, is his mama. Andrea is so cute with him! She's right there playing with him, and loving on him. If anyone could get one of those sweet, tender smiles out of that little guy, it's her! I could feel her love for him, and his love for her the moment she picked Jaxtyn up in her arms. What a special bond.

4 Month old baby boy | Spring Mini Sessions | Baby boy on tummy | Grace Idaho
This is the perfect image to show his chill & relaxed personality! He loves his hand and if you let him have it, I'm pretty sure he'd suck on it all day!

Then there is cute little Blayklie. Full of girl. She will talk your ear off, she is quite expressive, and at the moment, I think she's ready to get moving. She's discovered her toes, as well as Jaxtyn's hand. It was so funny to watch her lean over and grab his hand and stick in in her own mouth. Maybe it tastes better, maybe she didn't want to miss out on whatever he had in his mouth, whatever the reason, it was cute and quite funny to watch. She has pretty blue eyes, and little chubby cheeks. Her headband and bracelet were perfect additions! I do have to say, I found it hard to fight the urge to kiss those sweet cheeks though!

All in all, this was a fantastic way to spend the day. These sweet cousins are welcome to come back any time! Thank you Ashlynn & Andrea!


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