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Presleigh Presents American & Cowboy


365 days, 52 weeks, 12 months, 1 year, it all sounded like a VERY LONG time to wait. There’s a reason kids think a 20-year-old person is OLD or that a 60-year-old is VERY OLD. Every year that has gone by is a long time! Or so I thought. With every year that passes I have an internal struggle. I LOVE the progression, the love, and experiences we are able to have, but at the same time, I look around and feel like life is moving way too fast! My kids are growing up, my puppy we bought just a few months after we were married is now turning NINE, my husband is to 40 than he is to 20, but just for the record, I really am still in my 20’s, at least for another two years...the brother that was turning seven AFTER our wedding is almost 16, and my parents have already passed their 50th birthday marks. Life has a way of flying by without the victim even realizing it. So here we are again! 

Our sweet, hard-working Presleigh is at it again! It’s FAIR TIME!!! I met up with the Steadman’s to meet their newest celebrity steers- American and Cowboy and oh my gosh, one has THE cutest (I hope that’s not an offensive word to the Steer who could squash me) fuzzy legs! I’m convinced one day I need to have my own fuzzy cow. The only problem is it would be a ‘friend not food,’ and selling that to the hubs may not go over so well...In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy these over-sized teddy bears and our beautiful Presleigh! 

I have to admit- though I’m sure it is extremely apparent, but I’ve never been involved in anything under the 4-H umbrella. My parents bought me a bunny rabbit when I was young and I was such a great caretaker, it lived for over 10 years... Outside of that fluffy, white, snowball with pink eyes, NADA. Watching Presleigh these last two years working with her steers has been incredible and honestly, for the first time in my life I have a desire to have my kids involved in 4-H. We may have to keep our creatures small- I’m thinking chicken small, but the experience gained and responsibility they learn seems to yield priceless results. BUT enough talk, let me introduce you to Presleigh, and share with you how you can help support and encourage this sweetheart! 

My name is Presleigh Ross Steadman, and I will be a 6th Grader at Grace Elementary this coming fall. This is my third year showing a steer in 4-H. I have two steer projects this year, named American and Cowboy. I chose two because I felt together they would push each other to become better. I've learned to have patience, respect, compassion, and to work hard. In those three years, I have also learned that every steer project is different- even if the end goal was the same. Just like people, each steer is unique in its own way. With all this uncertainty in the world, I would love to be able to count on your support be that in person, or not. I would like to invite you to the Caribou County 4-H Animal Market sale. The money I receive for my steers will go towards next year's steer project and into savings for my future. Because of current circumstances, I understand if you are not able to make it in person.

If you are unable to attend but would like to help support me and my steers, you can do a booster add on.

Checks can be made to Caribou County Market Animal and mailed in the envelope provided. Please specify it is for Presleigh Steadman.

Thanks again for your support!


Livestock Auction will be held at the Caribou County Fair Grounds

Friday, July 31, 2020, in the Livestock Show Barn in Grace, Idaho.

Buyers Brunch starts at 9:30 AM

Auction at 10:00 AM


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